Is There A Problem With My Gp2x?


Still Fresh
Jul 23, 2008
I just bought a GP2X F-200 off of Hardcore Gamer and it arrived today. It all seemed ok although it was very hot (But today has been hot so im guessing it just heated up on the delivery van) so i put in some batteries and booted it up. It all booted up fine and I went to play a built in game. First I tried Ruckman or whatever its called and it started by showing who developed it. I pressed B the screen went black, there was a high pitched beep and then it was just black. I turned it off and turned it back on and tried the block game. It started up, I selected new game then the game began and then it went all fuzzy like a bad TV whilst making a constant beep. I tried the other games and out of all the built in ones Both the fish game and the Ghost Pix game work fine. But the others dont. Is this a problem or are the games corrupted or something? I dont have an SD Card yet and im going to get one tommorow so I cant try anything else till then.

Also the batteries I inserted are new and they have gone down to 1 bar on approximatly 10-20 minutes of play. Is this normal? There is a slight chance the batteries werent new although im pretty sure they were. Once again I should be getting some more batteries tommorow too.

Thanks for the help.
It's probably ok.

If you are using ordinary alkaline batteries you won't get much more than 40 minutes. Get some rechargeables - at least 2500mah.

I have heard that a lot of the built in games don't work but I haven't got an F-200.
Parkydr said:
It's probably ok.

If you are using ordinary alkaline batteries you won't get much more than 40 minutes. Get some rechargeables - at least 2500mah.

I have heard that a lot of the built in games don't work but I haven't got an F-200.
Thanks alot for the reply. Yeah im using ordinary alkaline batteries and I did just get another 10-20 minutes on it so thanks for letting me know. Ill be sure to look for some rechargeable ones tommorow.
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That horrible screechy noise is the "I'm out of batteries sound". It's scary at first but harmless.

NiMH is the way to go. Even the older lower capacity batteries will give you some more sanity while you're learning how it works.

Quick Questions: Does the F100 behave this way? How will the Pandora behave?
Trevor Bradley said:
That horrible screechy noise is the "I'm out of batteries sound". It's scary at first but harmless.

NiMH is the way to go. Even the older lower capacity batteries will give you some more sanity while you're learning how it works.

Quick Questions: Does the F100 behave this way? How will the Pandora behave?

When batteries are starting to die for me on the F100 the screen begins to scramble, even when starting up. I have never heard the battery whine because the screen scrambles sooner than anything.

Four rechargeable Polaroid AA NiMH, 2100mah for $5-$6 at walmart will break you into the batteries for the gp2x. I use them for home use, while saving the 2600mah energizers for trips and such. I'm interested in the 2900mah AAs that I've seen some places if they are any good.

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I've had mine get stuck on a beep when the batteries don't have enough charge (F200). Usually I can notice the screen and led start to flicker about 5 seconds before it freezes (enough time to save my game state quick :))
jackaroo said:
Parkydr said:
It's probably ok.

If you are using ordinary alkaline batteries you won't get much more than 40 minutes. Get some rechargeables - at least 2500mah.

I have heard that a lot of the built in games don't work but I haven't got an F-200.
Thanks alot for the reply. Yeah im using ordinary alkaline batteries and I did just get another 10-20 minutes on it so thanks for letting me know. Ill be sure to look for some rechargeable ones tommorow.

Walmart sells these metallic bluish color 2500mah rechargable batteries and they work great and only cost like 5.99 or 6.99 (for a 4 pack). I have the old ones that are regular light blue, but they changed the color so I can't speak 100% for sure, but I'm pretty sure they are the same batteries from the same supplier. I recommend charging with a slow charger because they don't heat up as much. There will probably be very, very few times you will need more than 2 sets of batteries in a single day, and even if you do, you can charge the first pair while using the second pair and they should charge to 80% in a few hours (rechargeable batteries are nearly 100% efficient charging, until about 80% then it drops to about 40-50% which is why the last 20% takes so much longer to charge)

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Trevor Bradley said:
That horrible screechy noise is the "I'm out of batteries sound". It's scary at first but harmless.

NiMH is the way to go. Even the older lower capacity batteries will give you some more sanity while you're learning how it works.

Quick Questions: Does the F100 behave this way? How will the Pandora behave?
The F100 had a light indicating low battery. Battery life was pretty much the same, miss the light even though it was not very accurate.
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The battery indicating light really only works when you're watching videos. At least for me, a dead battery is usually indicated by a frozen and flickering game :(
Well I bought a 2GB SD Card and some rechargeable batteries and im very happy to say its all working now :D. Everything is working fine and I havent had any problems so far. So........yay! :P