Is My Gp32 Faulty?


Still Fresh
Jul 11, 2004
I have just received a GP32 which I purchased off Ebay. This was sold as a 'hardly used unit with a few extras'.

When I switch it on the light comes on but I don't see anything on the screen. If I switch it off and on several times, it will eventually come on. If I then play a game that has no reset option, I switch it off and it won't switch on again until I go through the same routine.

I thought the problem might be the firmware, so I flashed new firmware, but I still have the same problem.

Can anyone the following questions?

Is this a known problem, or if the unit is faulty?

If the unit is faulty and as I bought this from Ebay as a second hand item have I the right to return it to the seller and ask for a refund?

If I can't return it is there any way of repairing it?

I hope someone will be able to help.
This is quite a common fault caused by using a PSU and batteries at the same time (on some units) and also by using a psu with voltage set too high.

It will generally work fine as long as you can deal with the annoying turning on procedure, you may also find it works with a PSU fine.

I had exactly the same problem with my GP32 FLU, thought it was the firmware, had never used a power adapter....

Fortunately I had bought mine new from GBAX, and they swapped it straight away... (The BEST customer service!!!) (I'm beginning to sound like an ad for GBAX - but they are that good! :-))
Thanks for the replys.

As this unit is obviously faulty, I emailed the seller describing the problem and asked for a refund.

After a couple of emails back and forth the seller is now accusing me of breaking the unit, although by thier own admission the unit wasn't tested before they sent it.

Looks like I am stuck with it. :angry: