Is It Just Me Or ...


"Very" Old Timer
Jan 31, 2004
Has some of the sparkle gone out of the forums since the GP2x launch? It seems somehow different to me. More subdued maybe. I can't quite put my finger on it.

I used to look forward to visiting the forum and checking the news. Or ploughing through the madness that is Off topic but somehow it just doesn't seem the same anymore.

I know I've not got a GP2x but it's not that. I've been as interested as anyone in the outcome of the 2x SNES, PSX and Amiga emulators. Theres 3 reasons right there for me to get a GP2x in the future. However I'm still not as interested as I was.

To me the run up to the GP2x launch was more exciting than what has transpired since.

So is it just me? Am I just some sad delusional old fart or has the mood around here changed in some subtle way?
The GP32 was novel, exciting, interesting perhaps when you discovered it. At first SNES/Genesis emulation was a mere pipe dream, but slowly and surely communities formed and emulators/games were released. It was a very interesting period of time. But the GP2X - to you - is old hat. Most of the people coming in to buy it are not the familiar faces you are used to, but lots of nameless people, and you don't share a history in common. You've been around, but they're rookies. The emulators? We already have them. Adding two buttons isn't going to recapture the nostalgia you have for the forums as they were.

But understand that this is not a universal, complete decline of the forums. It is a personal thing. Perhaps you are bored. Perhaps you have outgrown such consoles. Or maybe, as you indicate by the run-up being more exciting, the GP2X was disappointing. But there are others who have the 2X as their first console, and all these sites and legendary developers are new to them. SNES and Genesis emulation in the palm of their hands is new to them. They are enjoying it just as much as you did with the GP32, I think.
No, You are not deluded, Things have changed alot since the GP2x has been released. A lot of people have left, magus86, Mark, bast525 and lots of others i can`t think of atm don`t post anymore. I do miss thoughs times, But it has it`s plus`s, I don`t spend an unhealthy amount of time on GP32x as i used to, Which can be seen as a good thing.

Bring back the good times,

From another old fart. :P

BaDToaD posted on Feb 22 2006 at 01:00 AM said:
Has some of the sparkle gone out of the forums since the GP2x launch? It seems somehow different to me. More subdued maybe. I can't quite put my finger on it.

I used to look forward to visiting the forum and checking the news. Or ploughing through the madness that is Off topic but somehow it just doesn't seem the same anymore.

I know I've not got a GP2x but it's not that. I've been as interested as anyone in the outcome of the 2x SNES, PSX and Amiga emulators. Theres 3 reasons right there for me to get a GP2x in the future. However I'm still not as interested as I was.

To me the run up to the GP2x launch was more exciting than what has transpired since.

So is it just me? Am I just some sad delusional old fart or has the mood around here changed in some subtle way?
I agree. Continue your ENGRISH chronicles of blu+ with gp2x. Buy the book here .
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sam fisher posted on Feb 21 2006 at 07:32 PM said:
BaDToaD posted on Feb 22 2006 at 01:00 AM said:
Has some of the sparkle gone out of the forums since the GP2x launch? It seems somehow different to me. More subdued maybe. I can't quite put my finger on it.

I used to look forward to visiting the forum and checking the news. Or ploughing through the madness that is Off topic but somehow it just doesn't seem the same anymore.

I know I've not got a GP2x but it's not that. I've been as interested as anyone in the outcome of the 2x SNES, PSX and Amiga emulators. Theres 3 reasons right there for me to get a GP2x in the future. However I'm still not as interested as I was.

To me the run up to the GP2x launch was more exciting than what has transpired since.

So is it just me? Am I just some sad delusional old fart or has the mood around here changed in some subtle way?
I agree. Continue your ENGRISH chronicles of blu+ with gp2x. Buy the book here .

haha sorry I laughed when i read about this. Almost bought it but then snapped back to reality :P
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Where did Mark go anyway? I used to enjoy his insane ramblings..
Or were they sane? I forget.
trooper posted on Feb 21 2006 at 07:31 PM said:
...A lot of people have left...bast525...
and this is bad
I know that I have had a lot less to post because I have not "Upgraded" to GP2X. Maybe this is true for lots of the old users.
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chatbox used to be where it was at, after i sold my gp32 to nova (i think) i already knew my time had come

now i check the off topic forums a few times a day more out of mere habit more than anything else.

i guess i cling to a time when i could spend an evening just posting in the chatbox and on irc dicking around.
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Feb 22 2006 at 01:43 AM said:
sam fisher posted on Feb 21 2006 at 07:32 PM said:
BaDToaD posted on Feb 22 2006 at 01:00 AM said:
Has some of the sparkle gone out of the forums since the GP2x launch? It seems somehow different to me. More subdued maybe. I can't quite put my finger on it.

I used to look forward to visiting the forum and checking the news. Or ploughing through the madness that is Off topic but somehow it just doesn't seem the same anymore.

I know I've not got a GP2x but it's not that. I've been as interested as anyone in the outcome of the 2x SNES, PSX and Amiga emulators. Theres 3 reasons right there for me to get a GP2x in the future. However I'm still not as interested as I was.

To me the run up to the GP2x launch was more exciting than what has transpired since.

So is it just me? Am I just some sad delusional old fart or has the mood around here changed in some subtle way?
I agree. Continue your ENGRISH chronicles of blu+ with gp2x. Buy the book here .

haha sorry I laughed when i read about this. Almost bought it but then snapped back to reality :P
Buy it. I did.
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Definitley a different vibe to the old days, but I don't know about "Bring back the old days", everything moves on and changes.

I certainly find some of the threads more difficult to follow having far less technical knowledge than a lot of the new people coming in here.

Also I am much more aware of posting nonsense that will get flamed whereas before I felt more at ease with a smaller number of people sort of knowing where I was at technically.

That said it is still a dynamic community that stretches around the globe and across all sorts of cultural and age ranges. I still find it great to be part of and a really enjoyable hobby.

@Rico. Like your position, and in addition, being able to support new people coming to a scene I was once a total n00b at back in the days of thrice daily Castaway updates etc I am contantly improving my own knowledge of the scene.

I may never have a clue how to code or know very little about what is going on in any of the Dev Corner threads but I hope that by sticking with the community I am somehow ploughing something back in. For me thats as important as what I take from being here.

Change and growth can feel odd but it doesn't have to be a bad thing.

Smaller and more pure isn't always a step in the right direction.

Fourpenneth duly chipped in etc.....

I don't know much about "the old days" but everytime I come on here I'm still blown away that if I post a comment or reply to a developer that in some way it may influence there thoughts or a way in which they create an application or emulator. To be a part of that for me is something special, even if I'm posting this in a random internet cafe in Brisbane. :)
rabbits with hats posted on Feb 22 2006 at 01:17 AM said:
Too many members. there used to be like 20 or 30 on at a time. Everyone new each other. Now there are double the number of active members since I joined.
I think it will get better in time, we will be left with a hardcore of people when growth dies down at then end.
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i think a couple of things have happened:

1. all the 'cool' hacking problems have been solved by the core elite. these hacking issues generated a lot of excitement and anticipation among the cognescenti, but this has now faded out as issues get solved. there aren't currently, to my observer eyes and ears, any major technical issues with the GP2X right now: its a completely open field. this has resulted in a general reduction of enthusiasm and posts: not much FAME left for the hackers.

2. the GP2X enthusiasm was pretty much a lot of hype; once folks got MAME and DrMD up and running and realized the GP2X fulfilled expectations, there was a kind of plateau reached for what people expected out of the platform. given that i now have over 10,000+ games at my disposal on the GP2X, its a bit hard to get over-excited about it as a new platform .. it certainly feels like its been around for ages, and its already sorta faded into the background of my gadget-life!

this doesn't mean i think things are dead; far from it in fact. i just thing we've sorta plateau'ed as a community with our enthusiasm, and now its either put up or shut up, with the 'cool apps of the future' yet to appear ..
While I still will probably get a GP2x - that has more to do with the lifespan of smartmedia cards than excitement for the new system.

Is that harsh? I guess the consoles and computers that I have most nostalgia for (spectrum, C64, nes, megadrive, Atari ST) are already really well emulated on the GP32. (just not interested in stuff after the snes)

There is going to be little new to interest me on the gp2x and nothing to match the heady feeling of playing all my spectrum classics on the way home from work for the first time.

The GP2x may in the end be much better than the GP32 - emulators will improve going up in incremental version numbers adding more features as they go....

But the GP32 came first for me.
I suspect it did for a lot of other posters on these forums too.
thingley posted on Feb 22 2006 at 12:39 PM said:
But the GP32 came first for me.
I suspect it did for a lot of other posters on these forums too.

Walking barefoot came before shoes too :D

I know what you mean though. My GP32s still haven't gathered dust since I got the GP2X. For systems like the ones you mentioned, the new emulators aren't any better than the GP32's for the most part, with the possible exception of having more buttons to map to keys.

I think it's just the "newness" factor that most people like. It's something different to play with and explore dev-wise. I like the fact that the GP2X has got a lot more exposure too. Sure, there are drawbacks to this, but on the whole it's nice to see more people realising that their handheld options aren't just limited to what Sony and Nintendo produce... But then the underground sort of feeling the GP32 had was cool too.

Bah, I'm rambling now ;)
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sam fisher posted on Feb 22 2006 at 07:59 AM said:
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Feb 22 2006 at 01:43 AM said:
sam fisher posted on Feb 21 2006 at 07:32 PM said:
BaDToaD posted on Feb 22 2006 at 01:00 AM said:
Has some of the sparkle gone out of the forums since the GP2x launch? It seems somehow different to me. More subdued maybe. I can't quite put my finger on it.

I used to look forward to visiting the forum and checking the news. Or ploughing through the madness that is Off topic but somehow it just doesn't seem the same anymore.

I know I've not got a GP2x but it's not that. I've been as interested as anyone in the outcome of the 2x SNES, PSX and Amiga emulators. Theres 3 reasons right there for me to get a GP2x in the future. However I'm still not as interested as I was.

To me the run up to the GP2x launch was more exciting than what has transpired since.

So is it just me? Am I just some sad delusional old fart or has the mood around here changed in some subtle way?
I agree. Continue your ENGRISH chronicles of blu+ with gp2x. Buy the book here .

haha sorry I laughed when i read about this. Almost bought it but then snapped back to reality :P
Buy it. I did.

Don't buy it unless you like my weird poisonous artery.

Newbies are entering the chatbox, I want the old crew back.
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Goity posted on Feb 22 2006 at 02:02 PM said:
sam fisher posted on Feb 22 2006 at 07:59 AM said:
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Feb 22 2006 at 01:43 AM said:
sam fisher posted on Feb 21 2006 at 07:32 PM said:
BaDToaD posted on Feb 22 2006 at 01:00 AM said:
Has some of the sparkle gone out of the forums since the GP2x launch? It seems somehow different to me. More subdued maybe. I can't quite put my finger on it.

I used to look forward to visiting the forum and checking the news. Or ploughing through the madness that is Off topic but somehow it just doesn't seem the same anymore.

I know I've not got a GP2x but it's not that. I've been as interested as anyone in the outcome of the 2x SNES, PSX and Amiga emulators. Theres 3 reasons right there for me to get a GP2x in the future. However I'm still not as interested as I was.

To me the run up to the GP2x launch was more exciting than what has transpired since.

So is it just me? Am I just some sad delusional old fart or has the mood around here changed in some subtle way?
I agree. Continue your ENGRISH chronicles of blu+ with gp2x. Buy the book here .

haha sorry I laughed when i read about this. Almost bought it but then snapped back to reality :P
Buy it. I did.

Don't buy it unless you like my weird poisonous artery.

Newbies are entering the chatbox, I want the old crew back.
Newbies? ;)
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