Is A Keyboard Necessary?

Does Pandora need a keyboard?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Don't care

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (only if...)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2006
I have seen a couple of requests to get rid of the keyboard. IMHO it is one of the best features of Pandora and makes its potential so much greater. It will be great for games that need text input. PDA functionality. Computer emulators.

But.. it makes it more difficult for the designers to fit everything in the small box, like extra buttons etc. Without keyboard the device can be made better looking as well I guess.

Should the designers get rid of the keyboard and so be more flexible for other requests?
I put other. No, it's not "necessary," in the same way that having a mouse isn't "necessary" for a computer. But having one will make it more functional and more intuitive.

Also, from this point forward, I refuse to talk about the keyboard any further unless CraigIX or MWeston specifically asks the community. I highly doubt they would take it out of the design.
Well I guess you should interpret the poll like "Are the benefits of adding a keyboard more important than its negative side effects".
I think a lot more thought's gone into this design than I first appreciated. Seems to me peeople have rather overlooked the dual analog sticks, which may attaract an unexpected market: the first person shooter fan.

And -let's face it - that's a genre that's done pretty well in recent years :)

The aesthetics of the keyboard aren't special but I'd be surprised if that isn't addressed pre-release.
midget35 said:
I think a lot more thought's gone into this design than I first appreciated. Seems to me peeople have rather overlooked the dual analog sticks, which may attaract an unexpected market: the first person shooter fan.

And -let's face it - that's a genre that's done pretty well in recent years :)

The aesthetics of the keyboard aren't special but I'd be surprised if that isn't addressed pre-release.
Now I wonder how serious sam would run...
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There are a bunch of luddites on this board who are even complaining that this thing has analog sticks, let alone the keyboard. It's bloody ridiculous. Too many people are trapped in the line of thinking that this will only be used to emulate a handful of consoles from the 80's to the early 90's. To have something this powerful be used solely for that would be a fucking waste. I'm looking at this as an N-series tablet competitor, and it fixes the one thing I didn't like about those devices - the lack of gaming controls. It eliminates a few features that the N800/N810 have, but they're the ones I probably wouldn't use, and in turn I get a shit-tonne more power. The keyboard is essential. It's what separates this thing from being a minor upgrade from the PSP to being a must-have piece of kit.
Indeed, the keyboard opens up a crapload of possibilities:
*IRCing anywhere with a wireless connection (YAY!)
*Gazillions of Interactive Fiction games.
*Gazillions of old 8-bit era games, plus even more awesome games (Will I finally finish Mercenary, Damocles and the Dion Crisis on a handheld? Will I?)...
*Mobile Linux'ing. (:D)
*muchos muchos more

Plus insanely more complex homebrew capabilities. I mean, no more "HIT VOLUP, VOLDOWN, START AND BOTH SHOULDERBUTTONS TO ENABLE TVOUT" or crazy combinations like that that take up aplenty of textspace on the screen. Instead: "[T]V-out" <- clear + awesome + great + ultimate in interface design!

I do hope though that the guys who develop the Pandora will test the keyboard extensively. And with extensively I mean being active on an IRC channel on the device for AT LEAST 5 hours non-stop ish. After that, they ought to have an idea if the keyboard is great or not... If they don't do this kind of testing, they ought to get complaints about the keyboard not being good later on, which would be rather sad.

Bottom line:
Necessary? No.
Awesome? Yes.
Makes the Pandora distinguishable from other gaming-oriented handhelds: HELLYES!
Megagun said:
Indeed, the keyboard opens up a crapload of possibilities:
Again, I feel the need to restate that Dzz's Nethack port is the best and most accessible version of Nethack out there in my opinion. I never managed to get into Nethack properly until I tried that port, and now I love it. But only on my GP2X where I don't have to remember all sorts of shortcuts.

However, I do love the keyboard and definitely think it needs to be in the Pandora.
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At first, when the craigix was announced (before the GP2X F200 stole the moment) I have to admit I was a bit sceptical. At the time, I didn't get the concept and saw the device as a kind of GP3X.

Now that I have a clearer idea of what the Pandora is aiming to be, I see how the keyboard is essential. It's not just an open-source friendly game boy, but a high-end PDA with integrated gamepad and an advanced graphic chip. As the GP32 was sort of a "super open-source game boy", the Pandora is a "super open-source PDA".

So, yes, keyboard is definitly necessary. I want IRCing, I want abiword, I want a python editor/interpreter, I want a web browser and I want full Amiga emulation (including non-gaming usage) on this little wonder. And I don't want it to be dependant on my main computer, it should be a big boy enough to install new softwares and download videos by itself. Hell, I even want a P2P software on it now !

By the way, having donated to craigix a few months ago I got a real-size printed mock-up by mail, and even with my small hands, the analog controls are just right. and falling perfecly under my thumbs. Keyboard is not crippling gaming control, it's a win-win, no need to worry about compromises made to get it.
Megagun said:
Plus insanely more complex homebrew capabilities. I mean, no more "HIT VOLUP, VOLDOWN, START AND BOTH SHOULDERBUTTONS TO ENABLE TVOUT" or crazy combinations like that that take up aplenty of textspace on the screen. Instead: "[T]V-out" <- clear + awesome + great + ultimate in interface design!
1 word. "Touchscreen"

Firefox said:
Having a real keyboard is a huge plus for emulating old home computers like the Spectrum, C64, ST, Amiga, etc etc. There's more to emulation than just consoles! :)
There is a lot more to emulation then just consoles, true, and for most of them, we need a full keyboard, so we are going to need a fullsize USB plugged one, anyway. I want this thing, i really do. I want it with a set of good placed gaming controls, and a small typing keyboard with an 50cm USB cable to hook it up.
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I'd like to see one play A Mind Forever Voyaging with touchscreen or a keyboard on a cord without a table. Haven't seen much comedy shows recently so that'll do perfectly.
I hope this ends this silly debate! It will have a keyboard, we want a keyboard in the overwhelming majority.

So, you will respect my authority. Or something.
Tobriand said:
So it seems the no keyboard brigade are a vocal minority.

What a surprise...
Now all we need is a poll to find out the number of people wanting dvorak key layout ;)
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I think the keyuboard its very useful overall having all this possibilities in internet and other software where we will have to write etc... but i think that it shouldnt be showed all time like this design, i dunno a option like the render shown in This thread must be very nice. I know there are some patents, but another solution will exist or something : )

I dunno, but is more confortable to play without a keyboard in front of you, in the case of a handheld.
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