Hmm, collision; give it away, now come back, doh
ItB Web Edition run by pmprog, and
ItB Pandora Edition by you?
Running both (under same name) might be confusing however, if they have different content.
Ideally both projects can work together, be one project; two projects of the same name might get messy, or forking the web one to another name is another option. Or killing one if one dominates (by getting a pile of content or whatever.)
Obviously, the web edition has gone on (with your blessing) so the name is in use there. Going back to doing it on pandora complicates things perhaps, if thr web edition wants to keep existing and you pop out a pandora-only one. (well okay, admittedly, not a lot of content on the web edition, but its still a work in progress
Maybe ItB pandora edition would be issue 3, and then the next one (web or pandora) would be issue 4? Or lock-step, alternate issues by platform .. odd issues one side, even the other? I dunno, I'm sleepy
(and apparently grumpy, from the other thread..)
Or sync up .. issue 3 have the same articles for both pandora and web? Strikes me as the most ideal option .. get your fix on either location, and get the whole meal.
Or is it just a mess
BeefStreaK -- what do you recommend as cleanest step forward for both projects?
Content in a standard format, and then a scrtipt that generates the pnd or web edition from it, woudl be ideal and not too hard I imagine..