I got this idea...
GamePark is in a squeeze for cash right now. Maybe, if a group was formed that made games exclusively for GamePark with GP as the publisher, and 50%+ of the profit goes to GP, they might have enough money to continue working on GP64/GPi.
GamePark could supply their pro dev kit exclusively to this group. I think the tight knit community here would keep it from leaking.
I think an idea like this should be presented to GamePark.
I'm serious about this. The CGP fell through, but if we could get a few serious programmers this could work.
First, a game should be made to show GamePark that we mean business. I'm volunteering to do the music.
you can find my latest creation here.
My personal website is here.
Do you think this could work?
GamePark is in a squeeze for cash right now. Maybe, if a group was formed that made games exclusively for GamePark with GP as the publisher, and 50%+ of the profit goes to GP, they might have enough money to continue working on GP64/GPi.
GamePark could supply their pro dev kit exclusively to this group. I think the tight knit community here would keep it from leaking.
I think an idea like this should be presented to GamePark.
I'm serious about this. The CGP fell through, but if we could get a few serious programmers this could work.
First, a game should be made to show GamePark that we mean business. I'm volunteering to do the music.
you can find my latest creation here.
My personal website is here.
Do you think this could work?