I want the world!
I want the whole world!
I want to lock it
all up in my pocket,
Its my bar of chocolate,
Grab the git if you want to do this on PC (needs Linux)milky --noconfirm --needed -S $(milky -Si | sed -r "s/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]//g" | grep '^ID' | sed -re 's/^ID[\t ]+: //g'); milky --noconfirm -Su
I can't imagine a situation where it would be unreasonable. Could you please explain?Although sometimes having a repo mirror is reasonable
because of this alot of assumptions are being madeIs there a simple way to download the entire repo excluding things that have been updated?
I can't imagine a situation where it would be unreasonable. Could you please explain?Although sometimes having a repo mirror is reasonable
I want every program available for the Pandora on my Pandora.
I think this is what he wants.Or do you just want every pnd available?
I want the whole repo