I want the whole repo


milky --noconfirm --needed -S $(milky -Si | sed -r "s/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]//g" | grep '^ID' | sed -re 's/^ID[\t ]+: //g'); milky --noconfirm -Su
Grab the git if you want to do this on PC (needs Linux)

You can run that above snippet many times as you want, it won't reinstall already installed stuff. It also runs update check.

You might want to make alias for it though. Long snippet like that, can be hard to remember, and I have no plans to add such functionality to milkyhelper itself.

Also if you compile it without color support, you can get rid of the first sed.

Anyone know how to make this (the milky one liner) download to a specific directory? (ie. change the default)



# Install && Update everything from repo

# Virtual SD (Download directory)

# Creates pandora layout there and stores libmilky database


mkdir -p "$VD"

# Sync database with repo

milky -r "$VD" -Sy

# Install, but do not reinstall

milky --noconfirm --needed -r "$VD" -S $(milky -r "$VD" -Si | sed -r "s/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]//g" | grep '^ID' | sed -re 's/^ID[\t ]+: //g');

# Update everything

milky -r "$VD" --noconfirm -Su

There, just run it daily or make it a cron job.

E: Did some fatal shell script mistakes there, fixed.
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oOkay, I am a little confused. I downloaded milkyhelper but I cannot paste into it. How do I do this? Also, I want to make sure things are downloaded to the correct directory, someone posted something about this but I am a little lost.

So, I need to know how to paste the command into milky helper and I need to know exactly what part of the command to change to change the directory.

Finally I want to be able to download for specific categories/
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I don't have pandora personally, but normally you paste to the terminal with either key combo shit+ins or ctrl+shift+v

-r command changes the directory. It's bit unintuitive thought as you need to use that -r with directory every time.

I'll make it to stick on next release.

I suggest taking the script I did above, modifying the directory to the path you want. Saving to file, then open milkyhelper, cd to the directory the script is and run it.
So I open text editor, past your script and save as what? Also, what about downloading things from only one category?
So I open text editor, past your script and save as what? Also, what about downloading things from only one category?
A file with a name of your choosing, the shebang in the beginning on the script indicates what program will launch it. On Linux file extensions are not used to determine how to launch a program. Don't forget to make it executable (chmod +x <filename>, or properties dialog in your file manager).
1. Open text editor, paste the the text there

2. Save the file somewhere for example with name script.sh

3. cd to the directory using terminal (the terminal that milkyhelper launchs with is fine)

4. chmod +x script.sh

5. run the script using ./script.sh

To download only one category modify this part in the script

milky -r "$VD" -Si

milky -r "$VD" -Sic category_here

You can also use "$@" instead of hard coding the category in the script file.

If you use "$@" you can then give the category as argument eg. ./script.sh game
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