Commander Keen


Still Fresh
Apr 21, 2004
I just came across my commander keen, and played them a bit. After all these years they still rock!! especially the later episodes. Its the nice (simple) gameplay and the wacky graphics..and monsters(reminds me off scooby doo in some way) .. dont you think this would be the coolest platformer on a gp32?..
sadly i dont think the source is available..and i guess there isnt a console (snes) version either is there?



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The GBC version sucks out loud. Its not a remake or a port, but some sort of unholy creation of pure evil.

Please, for the love of all that is good and decent, someone make a remake before I am consumed with nostalgia for the original and try playing the GBC version again...
Just came across some bloke who made his own keen version or something (dont really understand) and he says you can ask for the source by mail... 14000 lines or so. a bit outta my league but mayb one of you guys can deal with it !! :lol:link
mattmagoo posted on May 24 2004 at 07:33 PM said:
but but but but

it doesn't have the keen sound!
it doesn' thave the dopefish!

it's crap!


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peshay posted on May 25 2004 at 12:25 PM said:
Just came across some bloke who made his own keen version or something (dont really understand) and he says you can ask for the source by mail... 14000 lines or so. a bit outta my league but mayb one of you guys can deal with it !! :lol:link
omg! I would like this very very VERY bloody much

any keen coders out there that fancy porting it
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I don't know if any of you guys remember. but id software was, once upon a time, planning to make a Commander Keen 7.

The evidence: The ending of Commander Keen 6 wherein it claims that Keen will soon be fighting Mortimer McMire for the fate of the entire Galaxy.

Therefore, how about this: Since id is unlikely to create a new Commander Keen game in this day and age where 2d platformers are not appreciated, perhaps a group could form and obtain permission from id to create an official Commander Keen 7 game. (with the dopefish , of course. And imagine if they were somehow able to get the original Keen 4-6 engine code and sprites!!)

I have to say, Keen for the GP would be truly amazing. Pity I doubt ID would consider it. If it was originally done in C though, its always possible - anyone got any contacts in them?

This is the main reason I'd like to see an x86 emu, in due course, btw...
well ID are a gamers company, so if a good coder sent them a sample of their work, maybe it could work but it is unlikely.
mattmagoo posted on May 25 2004 at 07:17 PM said:
didnt id put n image of commander keen strung up on a noose in Quake, coz he was dead and they wouldn't revive him

If so then let's make an unofficial Keen 7. I'll write the music! :lol:

I bet lots of coders, spriters, etc. would want to work on a project like this, and not just GP32 fans either. A Keen game would probably be of interest to every homebrew scene out there.

When I was younger, I used to dream about a new keen game. I have a whole sketchbook of drawings I did of an imaginary Keen 7. I drew Keen with not only a pogo, but a skateboard, a rocket sled, all kinds of stuff - all kinds of enemies, wacky levels, you name it. I would love to see it come to life.
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I dont think DosBox would work very well on GP32. It needs lots of memory, CPU etc.. What would be better is some kind of emulator or command interpreter like Sarien or ScummVM for Apogee/ID games. As far as I know I think the Keen games run on the same engine that Duke 2 and Cosmo's Cosmic Canyon run on etc...
peshay posted on May 25 2004 at 01:25 PM said:
Just came across some bloke who made his own keen version or something (dont really understand) and he says you can ask for the source by mail... 14000 lines or so. a bit outta my league but mayb one of you guys can deal with it !! :lol:link
There is just the minor flaw that you would need to port Div to the GP32 1st (Think STOS/AMOS for DirectX), considering that is closed source and commericial I think you may be onto a looser with this one ;)
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I’ve just come across this post, I am known over on the PCKF (Public Commander Keen Forum) as keen online and I think I might be able to clear up a couple of points:

1. Even though ID published source code for nearly all of their original games, they didn’t publish commander keens

2. Yes there is a GBC which can be played on an emulator, but it shouldn’t be because its terrible and the only reason why it was developed was out of revenge (long story).

3. I’ve build a couple of keen engines but unfortunately they were in flash and I didn’t get to far due to my lack of programming knowledge but I would love to try and have a go for the gp32

4. They were going to bring out Commander Keen 7 (8 & 9 the series was to be called ‘The Universe is Toast’) but due to Wolfenstein they never did and never will since they believe that commander keen is too childish for their likening.

5. You can try and get permission from ID but it is very unlikely that you’ll even get a reply let alone permission

6. In quake 2 keen can be seen to be hanging from a noose, this was said to be ID’s last association with the character

When I was younger, I used to dream about a new keen game. I have a whole sketchbook of drawings I did of an imaginary Keen 7. I drew Keen with not only a pogo, but a skateboard, a rocket sled, all kinds of stuff - all kinds of enemies, wacky levels, you name it. I would love to see it come to life.
7. Me too, I came up with the idea of karate keen

8. If you could get DosBOX to work that would be your best bet
Siajj posted on May 30 2004 at 12:39 PM said:
6. In quake 2 keen can be seen to be hanging from a noose, this was said to be ID’s last association with the character
In that case, some fans should just go ahead and make a (SDL?) Keen7 game, calling it "The Universe is Toast".

If ID got pissed, we could just remind them that they themselves had indicated they were no longer associated with the character.
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Siajj posted on May 30 2004 at 12:39 PM said:
2. Yes there is a GBC which can be played on an emulator, but it shouldn’t be because its terrible and the only reason why it was developed was out of revenge (long story).
Ok, my interest is piqued, I gotta hear the rest of this story now.

Also, is there anyone who didn't have at least one sketchbook in fifth grade devoted to their own Keen game? I know mine had a zombie keen. Also space bees.
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Rigor Mortis posted on May 30 2004 at 07:46 PM said:
Siajj posted on May 30 2004 at 12:39 PM said:
6. In quake 2 keen can be seen to be hanging from a noose, this was said to be ID’s last association with the character
In that case, some fans should just go ahead and make a (SDL?) Keen7 game, calling it "The Universe is Toast".

If ID got pissed, we could just remind them that they themselves had indicated they were no longer associated with the character.
Go for it; it'd be a very nice achievement. Especially if it were made able to take level modules. I'm sure there's enough interest; I can't believe noe, tbh... the games were *popular*
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