I Think I Fried My Gp2x :(


Jun 14, 2006
A few weeks ago, my brother got a new mp3 player, the Samsung YP-T9. It comes with a usb cable to power and transfer files. Just messing around, I tried the USB cable, and it fit the GP2X EXT port! I noticed that if I plugged into my computer, it would power the unit even if the power switch was off. Anyway, I did this for gags and didn't bother to mess with it again. Until today that is. I tried it again, and the red light for low battery came on the GP2X. Then, the screen faded and blacked out as if the batteries had died. The unit will now not power on with batteries anymore :(

I've always used the GP2X with batteries; I've never purchased or used an AC adapter with it. I thought it might be fun to play an RPG for more than 3 hrs, and figured I could use a USB cable. Looks like I was wrong :(

Any ideas?
Hmm, I just noticed that when I plug some headphones in and turn the power on (with batteries), I hear a hissing sound like when the bateries die.
The power from the computer should not be able to fully power the 2x as the usb can only deliver ~100-500mA (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USB#Power_supply )
Did you have some batteries in the unit as you powerd it using the usb?

If you did have batteries in the 2x, you might want to try another set of batteries, that you know are fully charged.

If that does not work, you can try and buy an ac atapter and test if that works, however, you might have powerd the 2x trough some things that really where not made to stand high current flows, and fried it that way.
An odd thing has happened. First the power LED came back on. Second, the screen has turned back on, but with vertical multicolored lines filling it.

I think I remember seeing something about this in my initial search. I'll see if I can find it again...
From reading about the line issue, looks like my GP2X has been bricked. But how? I did no firmware upgrade and have never tried. I always thought it was too risky :P Could interfacing with the EXT made it think that it was?

Btw, I have 2500 mAh Energizers and 2100 mAh Sanyo batteries.
Jaguarandine posted on Feb 18 2007 at 02:30 AM said:
From reading about the line issue, looks like my GP2X has been bricked. But how? I did no firmware upgrade and have never tried. I always thought it was too risky :P Could interfacing with the EXT made it think that it was?

Btw, I have 2500 mAh Energizers and 2100 mAh Sanyo batteries.

Does your screen look like the image in my signature?
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Yes. However, now there is no picture and the power LED does not work. It can't be the batteries as I have 3 sets of charged batteries.
Just so as to rule out your batteries being a problem, do you have any fresh alkalines (duracell, energizers) lying around, just to see if the machine boots or try a suitable mains adaptor if you have one.

If it still fails to start up properly then you may have to consider that something has happened to GP2X, not sure I would expect that you can brick it via the USB. :unsure:

I haven't visited the boards for months so I've probably missed seeing something more relevant to your problem, I hope you get it sorted though. :)
Well, looks like I really did fry it then. I suppose not enough power is coming from the batteries to turn the unit fully on because the USB cable damaged it. USB ports are rated for 5V maximum, right? If mine is rated at 3.3, I guess that could have done it.

I don't know, I'm just speculating. Thanks for everyone's help so far. Hopefully I've missed something noob-like even though I've had it for almost a year :(

Edit: will read post above
Just tried some brand new Energizer alkalines; same as before, no picture and no LED. Tried some 1800 mAh Creative NiMHs as well with the same results. I still get that audio hiss/crackle though
The cable probably sent power to a place where there shouldn't be any. Remember, EXT port pinouts are by no means standard between devices so its not a good idea to go plugging in cables just because they fit.
I suppose I learned this the hard way. Well, at least this may be a lesson to other users :(

Now I need to find out how to fix it. Send it to ED maybe?
So it might possibly be these one of these two things:

LSTK chip
MAX1566 chip

If I can replace one of these, I might fix the problem. Looks like I might have to get some new soldering tools though, as I've never replaced anything that small. Anyone have tips? Thanks.

Edit: I found this out after searching in the wiki and google. Hopefully this isn't a bad assumption?
Theres really no telling what it fried without a good knowledge of how that cable and the GP2X are wired. You should send that cable and the GP2X to somebody who knows a lot about the GP2X.
Well, I ordered an official power supply to test if it would work without the batteries. Unfortunetly, it's still not working. So unless there are other options than sending it to Germany or Korea (paying shipping and waiting a long time), I think I might try and fix it myself. I'll let everyone know what happens.
Blah posted on Feb 18 2007 at 08:56 PM said:
Theres really no telling what it fried
This is correct, however most power problems in the GP2X result from a fried LTSC chip. It´s a small chip by linear Semiconductors which serves to convert battery or PSU Voltage to 3.2V.
It is located on the left of the battery enclosure. I don´t remember te actual part number, but if you can replace it, your problem would most probably be solved.
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Yes it could be just the LTSC chip, however since this sent power through some pin in the EXT port, rather than the actual power plug, its more likely that something else is fried (I would go as far to say as the processor/chipset got toasted).