I actually agree with that, and it does mention ED's name literally on the Open-Pandora projects website. And ED in fact helped development of the Pandora.
The crowd-funding also happened to develop the Pandora, also supported by ED. And production actually was done, although with a lower than expected yield. This also caused Graig to do sell even more units in the hope it would solve his production problems.
It's just that ED wasn't working for Graig or his shop. Graig's shop mixed the open-source Pandora project and his shop and presented it as the same thing.
That's why ED's shop still exist and Graig's doesn't. Everyone can produce a Pandora, it's open-source. ED did this afterwards, and he wasn't using your money for his funding for those Pandora's.
But I also understand you blame everyone from the Pandora project, they are on the site and worked on the project. They allowed Craig to handle the funding and production.
I disagree on the part where ED worked for "OpenPandora Ltd." which was the legal entity handling the funding, production and the sales (and this was the shop you gave your money to).
Wait a minute, you can't do that. I just bought a printed version of this thread from Graig's website and due to all this discussion I have the feeling I'll not receive anything.
(this is a joke btw.)
View attachment 38458
from the way they had the section back in 2010 it appears that there was numerous members and they paint it as them all together in one team. and this evil dragon guy wasn't a mere spokesperson as some of u or he try to claim later
Of course those same people will try to deny involvement when things fall apart and we're supposed to just blindly believe everything they say even if the ones saying it are the ones running the site. you can go to a World Cup soccer stadium that is home to a specific team, obviously they going to root for their own team that dont mean shit and its sleazy they try to use that as a argument. and they wonder why nobody trust their phony ass
let me ask you this, lets say this project was hosted on kickstarter instead of here, and 2 years in production one of the members decides to just take half the money and flee. And the team members left on the project updates the backers that you will try to do everything to make things work. Along the way you produce a few here and there, but to keep up with the costs you have to start selling them before fufilling the orders from the kickstarter backers. And lets say several years down the line one of the superbackers who backed it super early hasn't received theirs yet because his order cost too much.
Will you think its okay to tell that superbacker to stop whining it was so long ago that he's crazy for complaining and ridicule him for inquiring about his order? if u think thats inappropriate there why do u think it isnt here? is it because they think they can get away with it if its on a site that they maintain?
so its okay for people to call me a mentally disturb individual and troll but if i call them a imbecile then i gotta play by a different set of rules right
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