I May Have Done The Gp2x An Injustice ...

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I did the same thing for the GP32, I figured that someone with no computer of their own wouldn't really get the hang of it, no matter how interested they are.
Fine, Gpnewbie is fine and all, but I seriously doubt any newbies would find a post by a person named shinneri and click on his signature, taking them to a guide that is immediately visible upon opening the website.
I've had my GP2X now for 2 weeks ish and I've used shinneri's guide and I got to it the first time by searching the forums for a person named shinneri and clicked on his signature...

I went through the forum before I bought the gp2x and saw someone had a guide in their sig so thats exactly how I found it.
the ipod mini for example had its headphone jack on top.
And every other iPod other than nano for that matter.

And my Creative cigarrette lighter-sized 1GB MP3 player as well ... :lol:
Yes thats probably a better example (I hate ipods but my brothers mini was near me) also my radio only walkman the size of an ipod video has a top jack.
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The GP2X has the jack its long side. The ipod has their on their shorter top. This means that you can have your Ipod in your pocket while listening to music... ( I can't even listen to music while I have the GP in my case.
The GP2X has the jack its long side. The ipod has their on their shorter top. This means that you can have your Ipod in your pocket while listening to music... ( I can't even listen to music while I have the GP in my case.

Yes, but put the headphone jack on the short end, and how can you hold it when playing games? Reaching out for the shoulder buttons etc.
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Have a friend getting a GP2x for xmas as he has seen me using mine for the last 8 months, so first thing after reading this topic was to link him the excellent site www.gpnewbie.com

Btw great work Shikaku/Shinneri
I told a coworker that I had one and he immediately looked it up on Wikipedia and thought it sounded kinda cool. I told my cousin about it and he thought it was neat he could play SNES games and his girlfriend also liked those old SNES/Genesis games so he wanted a little more info.

It seems like everyone who hears about it thinks it's pretty great, but they seem to be weirded out by anything that's not heavily advertised and owned by a instantly recognizable company. If I said that Nintendo or Apple makes these things their interest level would probably jump by 50% at least...

I do know what you mean TelcoLou about not wanting someone who wasn't going to understand how to use it to get one and then have you set it up for him so he could play games. I wouldn't seriously recommend it to someone who wasn't a little more "techie" either.

Owning a GP2X is a hobby unto itself. Half the fun of it is learning about the newest firmware, the latest improvements in emulators for it, changing the skin, using a different menu, etc. If someone doesn't want that part of the experience, then they really do need the Nintendo plug-n-play device.
Oh, Telco you poor thing, you had to go through telling someone a lie, oh the sheer horror of it all! I know it must've grated your soul to know that you lied to this person and then still have to work with him every day!!



I haven't talked anyone into buying one, but most of the people who have played the games on mine wouldn't mind having one.

If someone I know bought one who didn't know computers very well who wanted my help to set it up, I probably would just copy the contents of my SD card onto his.
Fine, Gpnewbie is fine and all, but I seriously doubt any newbies would find a post by a person named shinneri and click on his signature, taking them to a guide that is immediately visible upon opening the website.
I've had my GP2X now for 2 weeks ish and I've used shinneri's guide and I got to it the first time by searching the forums for a person named shinneri and clicked on his signature...

I went through the forum before I bought the gp2x and saw someone had a guide in their sig so thats exactly how I found it.

I never used the guide, but I see about 20 links to the gpnewbie site every time i come here. I don't know why one of them wouldn't catch your attention.
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I never used the guide, but I see about 20 links to the gpnewbie site every time i come here. I don't know why one of them wouldn't catch your attention.
I was/am a n00b :rolleyes:
I've been working on a new idea which I think could be relevant to this thread & would appreciate some feedback from you guys if you'll be kind enough :)

About a week or so ago, I was testing Orkies beta package manager & found that he had forgotten to set up the rom folder for gngeo2x to the standards one. I decided to make a package for rage2x & realised that I could use this to alter the config file at the same time to point to the correct folder within the standards file system. While I was at it.. I thought that I might as well change some other options within the config file, to the one's that most people seem to use anyway.
I enabled the sound, made the list show only the games in the roms folder etc. (you get the jist).

This gave me an even better idea about how to handle the packages. Instead of one package that set up everything (I know some people really don't like that idea), two packages would give the user an extra choice:

1)People can use the GP2X system as they do right now, with no loss of freedom what so ever.

2)People can use the package manager to install the programs however the dev sets it up, but will have to stick to the standards placement within the file system. This is a good option for people like me who prefer to help devs out by bug testing software, but can't be arsed with the boring part of unzipping etc. (will save a lot of time when testing out new software).

3)People can do the second option & then download the extras package for the program. The extras package will automatically install & set up a frontend for the program (if there is one), create a gmenu2x short cut, icon & any extra parameters (if it's installed), change the config files of the programs & basically give the user a completely set up, easy to use & hassle free system (just add roms ;)).

The last option will give the user less freedom than the other two options, but it will also stop new users with no interest in tweaking etc. from populating the forums with the same old questions. Those users that prefer to use the 2X just for gaming & media (rather than the real fun stuff ;)) will probably love this option.

I can't see any downsides to using a system like this as it doesn't interfere with the current system in the slightest. Unless I'm missing something?

Anyway, that's the thought that's been floating around my head for the past week or so & maybe if this was implemented, we wouldn't have to turn people away from the system any more? yes.. I've done that too I'm afraid :(

Easy2X anyone?
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