I Have Just Sold A Gp2x On The Tube...

subcon959 posted on Oct 30 2006 at 11:17 PM said:
There's nothing misspent about skipping school to go play outrun in the arcades :P

Heck, I still play outrun... Only now I play it on the highway! :D

No angry blonde chick pointing at me and yelling when I crash the car though... ;)
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I think I might of sold one on the bus home the other day, the guy said he'd seen it before but since trying out mine he's certain to get one.

I also told some guy on the Xbox forums to come over here to find out more.
Always one step ahead of everyone...

During my tour in Iraq, I helped several people load emulators on their laptops, for something to do in their hooch. Their was an exponential growth of people with emulators on their PCs and it seemed everyone had them.

Wanting to outdo them by having a handheld to do the same is what drove me to buy a GP2X.

Plenty of people wanted to play my GP2X when they saw what it could do, but nobody expressed interest in getting one. No converts for me.
after showing a friend of mine what mine could do and playing all sorts of emus on his big screen through the bob he ordered his the next day with the bob and a sd card
Draken posted on Oct 30 2006 at 05:35 PM said:
JaqMs posted on Oct 30 2006 at 11:23 PM said:
If, for some reason, I had a GP2X (if I got it for free), I would never show it in public. Strangers would redicule me after seeing that my headphones are plugged into the top of the unit, which is a nonsensical location.

Yes. Yes they would.
No question about it.

- Alex
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Always one step ahead of everyone...

During my tour in Iraq, I helped several people load emulators on their laptops, for something to do in their hooch. Their was an exponential growth of people with emulators on their PCs and it seemed everyone had them.

Wanting to outdo them by having a handheld to do the same is what drove me to buy a GP2X.

Plenty of people wanted to play my GP2X when they saw what it could do, but nobody expressed interest in getting one. No converts for me.

Hooch, Isn't that alcohol, a slang term?
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Loccy posted on Oct 30 2006 at 04:02 AM said:
First tube journey with the GP2X today, and already got a convert.

Got on at Morden, and a bloke got on a few stops down and sat in one of the few seats remaining, which was next to me. About the same age as me, early 30s, obviously a product of the Pac-Man generation.

Between there and Kennington, I'd had a bash at PC Engine R-Type, Neo Geo Pulstar, Atari VCS Berzerk, arcade Moon Cresta, and arcade Pac-Man - at which point I feel a prod on the shoulder.

"Sorry to disturb you mate, but I've got to ask - what IS that handheld you've got there?"

Cue explanations etc from myself.

"That's brilliant," says bloke, "it's basically my misspent youth in a box!"

I think gp2x.co.uk can expect a sale today! If so, do I get a commission? :D

Meanwhile, I'm going to steal that bloke's comment for a sigfile.
wow. You are really british.

Field trip in art to some hippy museum downtown: "wow, I'm really impressed"

When people ask, I usually tell them "Its like a PSP, except not as gay"
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Always one step ahead of everyone...

During my tour in Iraq, I helped several people load emulators on their laptops, for something to do in their hooch. Their was an exponential growth of people with emulators on their PCs and it seemed everyone had them.

Wanting to outdo them by having a handheld to do the same is what drove me to buy a GP2X.

Plenty of people wanted to play my GP2X when they saw what it could do, but nobody expressed interest in getting one. No converts for me.

Hooch, Isn't that alcohol, a slang term?

I suppose it is American military slang term for any sort of dwelling from a shelter-half pitched as a tent to a small trailer. Mine was the latter.
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Back from Spain, and I hardly had the chance to play the gp2x myself; it was confiscated by my 11 year old cousin whose parents didn't allow her to bring her NDS Lite with her, for fear of it getting lost or stolen...

She loves it! Now she won't be buying one soon (or ever, actually), but she'll sure be playing mine a lot when she comes over. I'm still not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing... ;)