People at work touch my Wiz all the time. I remember the first time people touched my Wiz like it was yesterday, I was so nervous about it. When the first person touched my Wiz, I got scared and pulled it away. They said they would be gentle with it so I put it back in their hands. They played with it for what seemed like hours, and then they finally gave it back to me. I had to clean my Wiz because it got all sweaty and dirty. Once my nerves calmed down I started to play with my Wiz all by myself. Then other people watched me play with my Wiz. Some people started to tell me that I sucked at playing with it so I told them I didn't care and my Wiz is awesome. One guy had a PSP he pulled out, it was hacked. I knew it was because I sold him his PSP. He started to shove his PSP in my face, so I pulled my Wiz out and said "So what if it’s smaller, it can go longer and can do more". I was happy with my Wiz.
Don't let kids play with your Wiz, it's just not right. Only trained professionals and I can play with my Wiz. I trained my fiancé how to handle my Wiz properly and now she loves playing with it all the time because it gives her more enjoyment then she expected. Sometimes she likes playing with my Wii more but sometimes I pop my Wiz out and she takes hold of it like second nature. One night she played with it all night! I thought I was going to explode and when I did She got made because I took my Wiz back and played with it by myself. I called her a Wiz whore and told her to go play with her Dingo.
dogeymon, have you played with other peoples Wiz before.