I Hate Skool!!

Also i hate the political shit. especially what our school says. it's a bunch of wannabe democrats who know shit about politics, diss bush (oh man you don't even know how much that pisses me off. i hate it when they diss bush when they know nothing about him. i'm not saying i support him. but it's like get your facts straight) when they just copy their parents. the only person i think should be talking about politics is thecheat cause he at least knows stuff about it. the only time he should shut up is when he talks about how stupid bush is. the past few weeks before election my school pissed so off i wanted to kill myself literally i was think about jumping off my roof or the freeway overpass. All they did was diss bush. and when he got elected they were like, "Oh no i'm gonna move my shitty ass to Australia or Japan or Canada." ok maybe there were some changes made to the quote. and i was like. "No don't move to Australia, I'm moving there to get away from people like you." the other thing is how the hell are they gonna move Australia you have to 17, Canada 18, UK 16. when most of them are 14 turning 15. so even when they are whining about bush being in office none of the "bad stuff" he's doing is gonna have effect on them because they turn 18 when he's out of office. the only people who should worry are juniors and seniors and maybe sophmores (which i am). So i hate our school because of all the wannabe politicians who know nothing but what their narrow minded parents tell them and say all these dreams of grander when not of it matters. I mean yes i said i wan to move to Australia but not right away once i get enough money i will which maybe 2 years maybe 20 who knows but i'm leaving this country and the i quote "American Idiots". so now you can flame me.

A. Most people DONT know shit about politics at my school.
B. Matt, you don't know shit about politics either, so why do even comment.
C. Why would you kill yourself over someone who can't read?
D. You have to have a college degree to move to canada, not just be 18.
E. About the "bad stuff," Just because a president isnt in office doesnt mean what hes done doesnt affect you. fucked over social security, raised the national debt, fucked the economy... all of these things affect everyone, and huge changes like this WILL affect everyone for years to come.
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'Cause we got green. And a smoking ban.
I was listening about the smoking ban on radio four this morning. It sounds great.

EDIT: Also Phycho Doughboy read this, so many people need to:
I've also always loved the concept of living in Japan etc..
But I know it would be crap, a holiday yes but to live there, no way. Basically I'm English and I love England, it's a beautiful place. Also I don't really think moving to another country for the sheer novelty factor is kind to the people, ruining their culture by ignorant Western influences isn't something I want to bestow on a country. Some people move from their own country because they're living in poverty, I'm not luckily and therefore I'm going to stay where I belong.

EDIT2: I really like school to be honest. I used to be a right moper in year 7 but now I'm fine with school. All those teachers no matter what they're like are there to help you remeber. And all the uniform and stuff I'm not to bothered about because it's my ecucation not a fashion parade.
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kknd: that link was utter crap, i find it a very enjoyable language to learn (much simpler than German or French if you ingnore Kanjii, which always has a Hirigana translation above it)

so called Japanophiles are a bit twatty I'll admit. I for one am doing Japanese in order to succeed at uni since languages are highly rated in the working world (and if you know five you can make people orgasm ;))

Dont move to Japan, its a great place to holiday if you can read japanese and helps you exercise your existing skills and develop them easily. Going there with the compelte narrow minded world view that a lot of these Japanophiles have is foolish and ridiculous. People like that like anything coz its japanese (eg. I like a Japanese movie because I enjoy the plot and characters, a Japanophile enjoys itcoz the people have different eyes)
'Cause we got green. And a smoking ban.

I was in Dublin a few weeks ago, one of the best cities I've ever been to. You can go to a pub until 2am and afterwards your clothes don't stink of smoke!

Getting past the smoking hordes outside is a bit annoying though :P
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kknd: that link was utter crap, i find it a very enjoyable language to learn (much simpler than German or French if you ingnore Kanjii, which always has a Hirigana translation above it)

so called Japanophiles are a bit twatty I'll admit. I for one am doing Japanese in order to succeed at uni since languages are highly rated in the working world (and if you know five you can make people orgasm ;))

Dont move to Japan, its a great place to holiday if you can read japanese and helps you exercise your existing skills and develop them easily. Going there with the compelte narrow minded world view that a lot of these Japanophiles have is foolish and ridiculous. People like that like anything coz its japanese (eg. I like a Japanese movie because I enjoy the plot and characters, a Japanophile enjoys itcoz the people have different eyes)
I thought it was kinda funny. But k. The guy who wrote it is doing Japanese in uni so he was just putting accross some warnings. I love Japanese things loads but I'd never fit in. Unless I did what that guy did on Nip/Tuck but that woruld hurt.
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so called Japanophiles are a bit twatty I'll admit. I for one am doing Japanese in order to succeed at uni since languages are highly rated in the working world (and if you know five you can make people orgasm ;))

Hey, I do that and I speak only three languages! I rule! :D

Japan.... I'd like to go there some day, but live there? Enough population there already, thank you very much ;)
A friend of mine studies History with a specialisation in Japan - he is really serious about it, but most people he knows just wanted to learn Japanese because they liek Anime and think they know everything about Japan. Ye gods, I like some Anime too, but I'm not going to do my doctor in history because of that!
I started learning Japanese once too, and I love the language, but currently I have enough work as it is - besides, Advanced Mathematics and Japanese might be closer than you think, for people who don't go to the lectures, the symbols are similarly incomprehensible :blink: And who would have ever thought that 0+1 can be something different than 1+0, and none of that is 1 :huh: Yeah, I am currently learning hard enough, another language will come later probably ;)

University itself isn't bad. Sure, you can't eat or drink during the lectures and you have no breaks (yes, that does result in me going to university at 7 AM, coming home at about 6 PM and having eaten nothing the whole time), but I hardly feel that anymore. The whole thing is so... productive. But then again, I also liked school, so I'm bit of an weirdo I guess :P
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anybody got any teacher lovers in their form? the ones which push to he front to chat up the teachers before lessons etc?
American school spoiled me, being able to wear what you want and dye your hair(even though i didnt), and you wouldent get suspended if you called the teacher a fat fucking pig fucker just a detension. Australia is killin me, uniforms, i got suspended twice for talking back one more and im excluded. Food is shit, but im trying to adjust, meat pies suck. Over all america has the most fun school experience. Move to japan eh............. the girls will love you there(if your not asian), but most of the guys have to much pride and influence from parents/grand parents that they'll never exept you. I speak first hand experience from going there for 3 weeks visiting some cousins, bunch of knife carrying phycopaths those native japs are.(im not racist btw)
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