I Got Gpsp (gba) Running With Sound!

Good luck on the new commercial releases Zodttd, glad that side of things seems to be going so well for you these days.

Ah, so you're struck off the list of mystery coders for the CPS2 port. Whoever it is, he's done a brilliant job.

Looking forward to whatever you do next on the GP2X, Zod, and also Exophase. I prefer his release schedule personally, big updates instead of incremental ones... though it's always fun to ride the Zodtrain when you do your rapid-fire betas :)
it seems it,s hard for all of us to adapt to the more sane release model that,s been the case. but we will come over it.

The step from small incremental releases to
bigger stable realease, left most of us with abstinence like dope fiends on chemicals, but i think it,s for the best and the community will adapt to a more "human" release shedule (i think zodttd is human... maybe) :)

good luck and Exophase is right quality beats quantity any day of the week
so chill out Yaall we will get our next fix to fight of the abstinence some day ;)
I agree absolutely. This release model does make more sense; but yeah it tough when there's just these little things, and you think... Just one line of code... Though we did get the mute button! Glad to know Zodttd hasn't disappeared, besides I don't see why a programmer should be attracted by a complete emu...

lol; rapid fire betas...
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Yono, have you tried the other PC Engine emus, CPCE and the latest GP2XEngine? Between all three everything is covered, but yeah hu6280 is just a step or two away from having everything in one perfect package...

Yono, have you tried the other PC Engine emus, CPCE and the latest GP2XEngine? Between all three everything is covered, but yeah hu6280 is just a step or two away from having everything in one perfect package...

None of the PC-engine emus are quite there unfortunatly.

hu6280 showed promise but the sound is really bad. It is not stereo, many sounds are completely missing like the explosion sounds in shooters like galaga 90, blazing lasers etc, and the white noise channel buzzes loudly. It is too bad

The first one released (can't remember the name) has decent sound and is the most accurate but is is very slow. I overclock as high as I can possibly go and it is still too slow.

Then there was a mystery port but the music in games was messed up.

All of these are abandoned. Too bad we couldn't combine 3 unfinished ones into one finished one :P
Dave, if you remembered I managed to contact Vobbo, he was very busy doing things for his actual job, and he has a very strict project deadline either this month, or next. Since then he has indeed vanished, however, he has improved the emulator slightly, and when he has time, he has agreed to send me a newer build compiled for the GP2x.
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The wiki article on this is rather good - and there was me asking silly questions. Somebody has already done the work of finding useful info!
The step from small incremental releases to
bigger stable realease, left most of us with abstinence like dope fiends on chemicals, but i think it,s for the best and the community will adapt to a more "human" release shedule (i think zodttd is human... maybe) :)
though it's always fun to ride the Zodtrain when you do your rapid-fire betas :)
Zodttd is defiantly an android. No human can do those "rapid fire betas."

Edit: Patented "rapid fire betas."
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zodttd, whatever you were, a coder that was affected by some green rocks that came from space or the guy who came in the space shipt that arrived with those rocks, thanks for the update, you are just super!
DaveC: Do you really want the GBA emulator? I ask since you've been anxious since I stopped posting about gpSP. I saw you mention my lack of posts in the Epicenter rants.

Please don't let the GP2X community fall apart...It's the most supportive community for developers to date. I truly appreciate it.

OH YEAH! If something comes up and I'm not getting posts up, just PM me. It gets my attention even if I'm working. :)

Well GBA seemed pretty close to being playable. It is still a bit slow and the sound is stuttery and it would be a shame to leave it in that state. Yes I think the GBA emu should be finished. One of the dissapointing things is to see emus that are actually doable get so close and then get scrapped. A half fininished emu is like a hot chick dancing in front of you but only taking off half of her clothes :P You at that point want to go all of the way. I tried GBA on the PSP and it was stunningly smooth, the only problem being the blurry screen. That would be a good selling point if the GP2X had near perfect GBA. Yes you can get a real GBA and flashcart but since the GP2X is the one I (and many here) use and take with it wouldn't hurt to be able to have a few of your GBA favorites on the SD too.

Anyway good luck. You developers ARE the biggest part of the community. Without you we would just be on here bitching out of boredom :P Thanks for letting us know what is going on.
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Yes Zodttd For PRESIDENT :D

Programmers/Release are what that make read each post of this forum :D
The Gp2x community is Realy cool, just read 2 post of a Gbatemp or pspwhatever to see it.

Thanks Zodttd

I still don't own a 2X, but I always look forward to your releases Zod. You are a real asset to this community :)

Good luck and thanks!
Dave, if you remembered I managed to contact Vobbo, he was very busy doing things for his actual job, and he has a very strict project deadline either this month, or next. Since then he has indeed vanished, however, he has improved the emulator slightly, and when he has time, he has agreed to send me a newer build compiled for the GP2x.

If he doesn't plan on doing more with the GP2X version do you think you could get the source from him? This way the option is always there for someone to come and improve it. It is a good start, it just needs a bit of clean up in the sound department. It would be a waste to let the emu die.
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Dave, if you remembered I managed to contact Vobbo, he was very busy doing things for his actual job, and he has a very strict project deadline either this month, or next. Since then he has indeed vanished, however, he has improved the emulator slightly, and when he has time, he has agreed to send me a newer build compiled for the GP2x.

If he doesn't plan on doing more with the GP2X version do you think you could get the source from him? This way the option is always there for someone to come and improve it. It is a good start, it just needs a bit of clean up in the sound department. It would be a waste to let the emu die.
I have asked before but he says "maybe oneday".
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I have asked before but he says "maybe oneday".

Ask him if it is "oneday" yet :P

Seriously though, that emu was a very good beginning. The graphics end of things was perfect. I just hope he sees the wisdom in not letting it die. There would be no point to that. The community is about being open. If he doesn't have the time or the motivation to finish it it would be nice to give it to someone that would.

You know this community, no one would ever take his code and claim it was all theirs, he would always get credit. It would always be known as "Vobbo's PC-Engine hu68xx emu". Just like how SquidgeSNES is still SquidgeSNES even thought Reesy, Pepone, Notaz have worked on it too.
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I have asked before but he says "maybe oneday".

Ask him if it is "oneday" yet :P

Seriously though, that emu was a very good beginning. The graphics end of things was perfect. I just hope he sees the wisdom in not letting it die. There would be no point to that. The community is about being open. If he doesn't have the time or the motivation to finish it it would be nice to give it to someone that would.

You know this community, no one would ever take his code and claim it was all theirs, he would always get credit. It would always be known as "Vobbo's PC-Engine hu68xx emu". Just like how SquidgeSNES is still SquidgeSNES even thought Reesy, Pepone, Notaz have worked on it too.
I have tried contacting him again since the new year, but as I said, his deadline is fast approaching, and he has again vanished.
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