I finally have my Pandora

Personally, I was confused. Pants made out of a ferry? Sailing down the mighty Mississippi river?

Also, just so you both know, most of the last 20 entries here have been you too discussing Starfox for the SNES. Though mostly comical, and somewhat misguided (as clearly the best Starfox was for the N64, ahem), might it be best to split off this thread? If only I could find a moderator.... :P
^ Haha, sorry about that. :P I'll leave off of it, now. It would be a bit confusing/difficult to split because of how it got started, and to be honest I don't want to drag things more off-topic or continue!
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did anybody else here catch the fact that goody-two-shoes-no-pirating Prometheous obviously owns an illegal copy of Star Fox 2 for snes?
I'm pretty sure she doesn't own a hard copy at least, I recently purchased one not really knowing what I was getting (holding out hope it was legit in some way) Prom walked me through the reasons why it was a home made cart with the EEPROM re-flashed. She mentioned that she didn't have one her self at that time.

It is a heck of a game though illegal or non illegal it is fun to play and before I had it destroyed with all my other bad games and hardware that don't fit into the walled garden of Nintendo's vision.
^ It's nothing about walled gardens and visions at all - it was entirely business. They thought at the time that the N64 would launch much sooner than it did, and what came to be called Star Fox 64 was actually originally intended as "Star Fox '96", and would have been released less than one year after Star Fox 2 was supposed to be.

In hindsight, of course, it never turned out that way. :P And I'm getting off-track again and I'm really sorry, everyone. I really do love Star Fox almost as much as Mega Man!