I Dropped My Gp2x..


Still Fresh
Sep 29, 2006
so i dropped my gp2x whilst standing up. everyone in the carrage drew in their breath and went "oooooh" and i swore a lot. Of course, now it doesnt have much use other than as a maracca - sadly wont turn on and play with me.


I bought this second hand on ebay and am leaning towards just buying another and being done with it - as it is such a great little machine - but wondering on the chances of getting this repaired and if so where to send it?

oh well, will see what santa brings me i suppose.

me stoopid.
so i dropped my gp2x whilst standing up. everyone in the carrage drew in their breath and went "oooooh" and i swore a lot. Of course, now it doesnt have much use other than as a maracca - sadly wont turn on and play with me.


I bought this second hand on ebay and am leaning towards just buying another and being done with it - as it is such a great little machine - but wondering on the chances of getting this repaired and if so where to send it?

oh well, will see what santa brings me i suppose.

me stoopid.

See if the battery contacts became bent. A drop may have caused the heavy batteries to smash in the contacts. If they don't touch the battery contacts bend the metal contacts back out.
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I have not been unfortunate enough to drop mine yet, but no doubt the day will come >.< I guess by the marracas statement theres something loose inside? Maybe it would be a good idea (well, if bending the contacts back into pace does not work) would be to open it and see if you can identify what is loose. Maybe you will be lucky, and it will be a part that is easy to reconnect, i which case maybe someone from the forums could help you out. If it requires soldering, don't look at me! :P
Yes definitley check the battery contacts. I have dropped mine twice, once in doors and once the other day...funnily enough standing up getting out the car and falling out my jacket pocket. Both time the contacts bend in. Just bend them back out. Hopefully.
I would be a little concerned with the rattling. I'm no genius, but when i have a computer that i need to fix and it rattles, ussualy it means death by impact. If you are really curious, you should take a screwdriver to the sucker and pop it open. What more damage can you do?
Things to try:

1. Make sure the battery contacts are good and making contact

2. Try it from an external power source

3. Open it up and look for signs of physical damage, repair/remedy if possible

I've even repaired some snapped PCB's in my time but its nigh-on impossible with multi layer SMT PCB's
yeh, i opened her up and there is nothing obvious there - though as people mentioned one of the battery pick ups was bent inwards making it hard to get the battery out. i prised it out in the end and have tried adjusting them back but no joy.

nice to hear im not the only person dumb enough to drop one though...
was on the tube, so onto the harsh and unforgiving floor of a london tube train.

it bounced once and i swore a bit.

on the plus side, i have read a book since breaking it - my first in ages....but hell, where's the fun in that?
I did the same thing once as well .. dropped it on the floor, it bounced, and developed a rattle. I opened it up, discovered that one of the caps had snapped off (because the solder is quite brittle .. grr .. lead-free .. grr) and using my other spare GP2X's was able to work out where it was supposed to go, soldered it back (using a stash of lovely leady solder, yaya), and got my GP2X back in working order.

Even if you don't have a rattle, its still possible that one of those caps snapped off and is just lodged inside somewhere .. so if you're feeling hacky, I'd say open 'er up, give her a bit of a fingering, find the loose bits and put 'em back where they're needed ..

Good luck!
I'd say open 'er up, give her a bit of a fingering, find the loose bits and put 'em back where they're needed ..

FFS at my dirty mind..... :lol:

Does the power light come on when you turn it on?

Do you get any sound?

If you dont it probably a power issue, probe around with a multimeter to check for voltages. Look for dry/cracked joints, resolder anything that looks 'dodgy'
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oh, i fixed it.

not that im complaining, but was a simple matter or bending one of the battery bits back in line and off i go. one of the speakers has come off of the circuit board, but is a simple matter to resolder.

so yeh, im a bit dazed that it was so simple and am glad to be back in the saddle.

thanks for the tips regarding the batteries and off i go...