I came, I saw, I kicked ass and chewed bubble gum.

Your constant enthusiasm around here shows that you've got great potential, and clearly you're aiming to make the most of it. I hope that your results turn out as good as expected, Blue Protoman. :)
im still at two odds about your BlueProtoman, but youve gotten way better. i dont even remember what i had on my sat's, although i do remember taking some state exams back in jr high school, and passing those right away my first yea, all 5 of them, while barely speaking english, and i remember some other state tests and the only thing i remember about those is doing better in the math department then 98% of other people, 98th percentile or whatever they called it
bosnian/serbian/croatian/yugoslavian/montenegroian/kosovak/whatever else old yugoslavia consists of, then came german/austrian/luxemburgian/wellyougettheidea, and now english
Scores in today!

Keep in mind that SAT scores are ranged from 200-800 per three sections.

Reading: 740! (98th percentile in America)

Math: 710! (94th percentile in America)

Writing: 710! (96th percentile in America)

Total: 2160!

Now I can justify burning my test prep materials! Except now this fall I get to take the ACTs and SAT Subject Tests. The battle is over, but not the war.
Very well done!!! Impressive scores! Congrats, mate~ :D

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Scores in today!

Keep in mind that SAT scores are ranged from 200-800 per three sections.

Reading: 740! (98th percentile in America)

Math: 710! (94th percentile in America)

Writing: 710! (96th percentile in America)

Total: 2160!

Now I can justify burning my test prep materials! Except now this fall I get to take the ACTs and SAT Subject Tests. The battle is over, but not the war.

Congrats! I remember trashing my test prep stuff too, I know that felt good.
Thanks, guys! Now I get to prep for four more tests!

This fall I'm taking the ACT and three SAT Subject Tests (possibly more later in the fall). My three Subject Tests are going to be Math 1, US History, and Physics. Today I got my prep book for the Subject Tests, and did the test for Literature. Timed, of course. On the same scale from 200-800, I got a 640. Not as bad as I thought, good enough to warrant an afterthought in November or something.