I am back, and very excited ;)


Still Fresh
Dec 25, 2010
So I'm sure none of you remember me, but I joined sometime in August and I was planning to join the OP community but I lost hopes when buying OP were not even possible any more, so I kind of gave up. Well preorders have started and they said it would start sometime during Jan/Feb so I thought....... well why not, it's only like 15 bucks to reorder (though I put in 22 for no real reason........ IDK). Any way in the course of me being gone school started, I became a brony late august (a little after I left forums).... and my headset just snapped as I was typing this...... time for me to get the super glue <_< ........ I pay like 150 for these things and now this is the second time I need to repair them...... GOOOOOD.

Any way, im hoping to get my pandora soon but I have a feeling its gonna be a bit, I hope that my preorder helps them.... with my 22 bucks they can get a........maybe a........... wow I suck.

Any way I hope that things go better this time.... WOOO HOOO.

The name does ring a bell, but I can't say I have any associations with it.

It doesn't matter, welcome back! I hope you will be able to receive your Pandora soon.
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Welcome back Marco! I admit that, for quite some time, I was only a lurker, so I never really got to know (or remember) Most of the old users. But it's still nice to have you come back!

Also, I love the little Rainbow Dash banner & DP you've got going on. Makes all your posts 20% Cooler. ;)

(I just joined the Brony community recently. *Inhales deeply* ~yay)
thank you all, I am glad to be back ;)

Welcome back Marco! I admit that, for quite some time, I was only a lurker, so I never really got to know (or remember) Most of the old users. But it's still nice to have you come back!

Also, I love the little Rainbow Dash banner & DP you've got going on. Makes all your posts 20% Cooler. ;)

(I just joined the Brony community recently. *Inhales deeply* ~yay)
