Hu6280 Now Has Cdrom Support!

I used the basic cpu emulation from my pc version and rewrote the graphics / irq side especially for the gp2x. I then rewrote the cpucore in ARM assembly to make it fast enough for the GP2X.

The GP2X code is now VERY different to my pc original ;)

Also remember, this emulator is not a port... Its written from scratch from old documents I found related to the pc-engine hardware... Sound will be improved!
Amazing ... I may be wrong, but aren't you the first one to code an emulator from scratch for the gp2x ?
Anyway it is already an excellent emulator. And I'm really happy to discover all these pce mythic titles, thanks to your hard word :)
Yes, he is.
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V1.06 released...

Fixed BUTTON REMAPPING! Tested, confirmed working... just try swapping button A and B !!
Removed LCD TWEAK CODE If you select 200mhz mode. Enjoy.
Fixed a little bug in cdrom boot function


nice :)

but what does this psp, gp32, nds...-version coming soon mean?
what are your plans for other systems?
Hmm... depends what you term "from scratch" - both DrMD and SquidgeSnes were built by their respective developers from the ground up - but they did have CPU cores already written from other sources; Cyclone and the OS9x core respectively.

So he's the first to code built and emu with exclusively his own code, I think, but not (if you'll allow use of pre-written cores) necessarily the first to code an emu from scratch (as distinguished from porting on across). Sorry, I'm being pedantic.

In any event, Hu6280 is amazing, Vobbo - as ever, I look forward to saves and sound in CDs, but considering how long this project has been going, you've done remarkable things, really...
nice :)

but what does this psp, gp32, nds...-version coming soon mean?
what are your plans for other systems?

Gizmondo and gp32 versions are working , I just need to code a little frontend for them

NDS version is started...
Crazy shit :)
And what about PSP?

I`ve borrowed a friends PSP for the week, so hopefully i`ll have it ported before I have to give the PSP back to him...!
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nice :)

but what does this psp, gp32, nds...-version coming soon mean?
what are your plans for other systems?

Gizmondo and gp32 versions are working , I just need to code a little frontend for them

NDS version is started...

So you make them all at once? Or do you just stop doing the GP2X and work on the other ones?

How is the DS going to be possible? Isn't the screen too low res to display a PC-Engine game?
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nice :)

but what does this psp, gp32, nds...-version coming soon mean?
what are your plans for other systems?

Gizmondo and gp32 versions are working , I just need to code a little frontend for them

NDS version is started...

So you make them all at once? Or do you just stop doing the GP2X and work on the other ones?

How is the DS going to be possible? Isn't the screen too low res to display a PC-Engine game?

256*192 , it doesnt look to bad scaled... its just a little slow at the moment
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Go Go Super Coding Vobbo Go!!!

But spend more time on the GP2x version :P :P :P I need sleep.

Also does it still clock to 200mhz if you select 200mhz and your clockspeed is higher? I think you should keep the clock thing in but use UPLL 2+ and not touch the gamma.
Very exciting, great stuff and thank you vobbo.

Great timing since I just bought Mystic Formula off eBay today too. I still want Faussete Amour badly though, but I have no more money :<
256*192 , it doesnt look to bad scaled... its just a little slow at the moment

Cut out pixels? Ewww. I will just stick with the GP2X version.

Which one of these do you like playing on or do you like all of them?

Also howcome you are porting it to everything, for the donations or do you like playing them all?
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Go Go Super Coding Vobbo Go!!!

But spend more time on the GP2x version :P :P :P I need sleep.

Also does it still clock to 200mhz if you select 200mhz and your clockspeed is higher? I think you should keep the clock thing in but use UPLL 2+ and not touch the gamma.

if you select 200mhz , it doesnt touch anything, cpu,lcd everything is left as it was...
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Vobbo, I must once again say that you are doing a FANTASTIC job. I am absolutely happy with it, as are many people here. Didn't want you to get the wrong idea :)

I spent most of the day playing TG16 games. I love this emulator to death....definitely one of my favorite emulators on any platform.

Don't work too hard and burn yourself out. We (or most of us) realize that it is beta/WIP and will get better over time. It's pretty darn good right now, and most of us really appreciate it...i certainly do!
Vobbo, I must once again say that you are doing a FANTASTIC job. I am absolutely happy with it, as are many people here. Didn't want you to get the wrong idea :)

I spent most of the day playing TG16 games. I love this emulator to death....definitely one of my favorite emulators on any platform.

Don't work too hard and burn yourself out. We (or most of us) realize that it is beta/WIP and will get better over time. It's pretty darn good right now, and most of us really appreciate it...i certainly do!

Thanks for the kind words :)

makes a change to read something positive ;)

hopefully the people running on old firmwares will be happy with today's LCD change, and the joypad button remapping is nice now it actually has the code commented in :)
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256*192 , it doesnt look to bad scaled... its just a little slow at the moment

Cut out pixels? Ewww. I will just stick with the GP2X version.

Which one of these do you like playing on or do you like all of them?

Also howcome you are porting it to everything, for the donations or do you like playing them all?

Gp2X and Gizmondo are my favourite versions... PSP/NDS are just started really

I`m porting it to as many handhelds as possible so everyone gets to enjoy PC-Engine!

You're bloody amazing, mate. Superb job.

I've already donated, but I'll be doing so again next month!

thankyou !!

hopefully we should have savegames in there by this weekend :)
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Vobbo, you are a killer coding ninja monkey... at least... this is already one of the emulators I play most of the time. Amazing work, really.