
You might think about putting back GTA for a few months. Now way will it be ready for the launch. And i can guarantie that NextBox, The Revolution, and PS3 will be shown at E3 along with GBA2. Release dates are probably late 2005 (Revolution in Japan) to late 2006 (NextBox and PS3). The revolution should be out here midway through 2006.
I'm getting my Dad to keep all my pay for me until the PSP is launched, by which time I should have enough money.
Grrrr yet another person saying that none of the games coming for PSP even look interesting. You ain't no damn gamer then, dude. Stay in your Nintendo lit world with your rose colored glasses.... to say PSP is full of nothing but racers, EA rehashes, and a smattering of shooters... man you aren't even looking then. There are SO many games in the works for the PSP covering every genre you could possibly think of... damn but none of them are of the MARIO genre so they must all suck then eh?

"Mario 64 is the same masterpiece it was on the N64" yeah... EXACTLY! That's the problem, the best game for the thing is a game going on 10 years of age and showing it. Yes it was a great game then, and now, but it's not even the same game... the lack of an analog stick hurts it badly. Consider, the analog stick on the N64 was designed FOR Mario! It was Miyamoto's own push to put that stick on the 64's controllers. Funny how so many N fanboys love to spout about the PSP having 'so many rehashes' when the DS came right out of the gate with the same damn thing, and even many of the future big titles for DS are just further sequels, rehashes, and reinterpretations of the same old 5 or 6 franchises... oh but now they will all have the word TOUCH! in the title and use the stylus in some 'innovative' way :P Hey if you're so happy playing your 10 year old game then cheers to you (for probably the 4th-5th time... seriously, who of us only played thru that game once?), personally I'm enjoying the new and very innovative twist on the card/strategy/stealth game that is Metal Gear Acid.

ANYWAYS! I'll be attending E3 again this year. The current word going around the campfire with coporate types over at Gamestop, Inc. is that Microsoft WILL show their new system at this years E3, however it is likely it will be behind closed doors. Considering they are still planning on a late 2005 release, it would be a mistake and quite odd for them not to show SOMETHING at E3. This should be the biggest item at E3 this year, anyways.

Sony too are expected to at least mention some of the tech specs of the upcoming PS3, though are NOT expected to actually show any hardware (as they are not planning release until late 2006), but demos/WIP's may show up.

Nintendo... are up in the air. They are also unlikely to show new hardware, and will probably just release tech specs and show some video, or, very possibly, may show or say nothing at all. Though the current oppinion is they are also lookign at a late 2006 launch (for the US) of their next system, they have stated that it is VERY important to them to beat Sony to the punch this time... though on the flipside, Nintendo has always been a bit more secretive than most at E3, traditionally... I place my bet that they will say nothing at all, or, will hold some small behind-closed-doors conference to release only a bare minimum of specs on the thing.
Clips will be shown for the revolution and i believe they will show it. But thats it. But they won't want to steal the limelight from the new Zelda game. Ow And Miyamoto hasn't stated officially but they wont be showing Mario 128 from what ive heard (no surprise there and does anyone care anymore) Ow and not to slag but calling Metal Gear Acid innovative is like saying nintendo will drop out of the gaming market. Don't get me wrong the PSP intrigues me and i might get one but Konami are going downhill. They couldn't think of anynew ideas for MG so made it card based. Its been done.
well if we're talking launch titles well neither had anything really new or interesting. But... PSP still had, at least, way more to choose from at launch. Though to those of us who are not big Mahjong fans I'm sure it didn't seem that way :D

I dunno I haven't played a lot of card based games lately but of the ones I've seen (YuGi games, the recent Gamecube RPG, the Phantasy Star card battle game) none of them play like MG Acid. I can think of maybe some non-video types of card games that may be similiar... so okay then maybe MGA isn't the freshest thing in the world but it's a new type of game to me and I think it mixes several different styles and mixes them well. Just saying it's card based doesn't make it exactly like any other game that is based around cards though, and really doesn't give a good idea, IMO, of what kind of game it is. It much more fits into the realm of turn based strategy than card based yugioh type game.

Not to come off like a snoot but I'm betting a lot of you guys talking down about it haven't even seen it in motion let alone played it.

Let me say this though, from what I had seen and heard of the game I was very much uninterested in it myself at first... maybe this sounds stupid but I initially was only interested in it as a way to show off the PSP's capabilities. But then some guys on IRC were spouting on about it and how good it was so I picked it up and found that it really is a very enjoyable game.
A lot of people buying the Ape Escape mini games game... no one said if it's any good or not or how hard to play in Japanese?? Personally I'd rather have the Ape Escape game proper (full platform game not minigames), not sure when that's due out though.

sam fisher - yep well that's the best way to go, and how I've always done it. I've bought just about every system as they've come out since the NES, and have loved them all. They ALL have had great games. Right now I am leaning towards the PSP as the better system between it and the DS, but am still holding onto my DS either way, because I know there are games for it that will be great.
I loved the demo for Ape Escape on the PS1. The newest Ape Escape game on PS2 is not like the PS1 one at all or Ape Escape 2. I think the PSP Ape Escape is like the first two though. But how will Ape Escape work with only one analog stick :o
I also can't wait till this bloody cold subsides here, it's insane out here. hopefully by march it'll be nice and warm and i'll have a psp in my hands :D

and i agree, the launch lineup doesn't look very impressive, but the hardware just gets me so PUMPED! and the psp's wipeout looks to be great, having tracks from wipeout xl.

damn, there are so many things i'm waiting for ..psp, nforce 4 boards, x800xl. i'd better focus on other stuff instead of checking up on this daily hahaha
Wipeout on PSP looks great? LOL. It looks exactly like the first wipeout game on ps1 (which was crap). And plus the wipeout series is crap compared to the F zero series.
you're obviously not a wipeout fan. and i don't know what you're smoking, but the graphics for this psp's wipeout look great. anti-aliasing doesn't seem to be much of an issue, and the effects look very "next gen-ish". go look at in game vids and good screenshots.
and i like the f-zero series as well, but the original wipeouts will always be great games to me. heh

edit: cuz i felt like it