
I've converted loads of movies. I use the qb4 setting in 3GP_Converter. Usually does the job. This setting doesnt gi with mb per minute as a guide - it varies it for the amount of action etc in the movie. For example, I converted Uncle Bucj and it came to about 280mb, while Shrek 2 was around 450mb I think,

What's quality like? I relish the thought of watching Uncle Buck in widescreen on a PSP :D
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I've converted loads of movies. I use the qb4 setting in 3GP_Converter. Usually does the job. This setting doesnt gi with mb per minute as a guide - it varies it for the amount of action etc in the movie. For example, I converted Uncle Bucj and it came to about 280mb, while Shrek 2 was around 450mb I think,

What's quality like? I relish the thought of watching Uncle Buck in widescreen on a PSP :D

Perfect. Just like watching it on DVD.
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Correct DaveC Nintendo fanboys always try to deny it. I wouldn't mind if they would stopped trying to convince me that Nintendo is better, but nintendo fanboys are extremely annoying and ignorant. You see me advertising for the PSP??? I did this thread to piss off Nintendo fans.

I'm a Nintendo fan, what you may call a fanboy, and I don't see myself as ignorant. Nintendo attract all ages, some being 10 year olds-but just because these kids may be with Nintendo 'till the end without looking at another console, I'd say the majority of us are very open minded.

I like games-so I want to play good games. And in my opinion Mario 64 is an unparreled gaming experience, just as you may think Ridge Racer is. And what you may consider 'us' trying to convince you that they are better, well that's most likely just debate. And if you're so sure that Sony are better theres no need to worry, right?

And, buy starting up a thread to piss off fans of something, you're giving me an impression that it's you who want to cause arugments, not others. And, for the record, I'll be getting a PSP on it's UK release in March the minute the shops open, be it midnight or 8:00AM.

Sorry if I've come over a little harsh here, its more friendly that it reads ;)
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Wow 200-400MB... was hoping they'd be smaller... seeing as how many have fit full 1.5-2 hour movies on a 128MB SMC for their GP's....

Is this optional then? Can I turn down the framerate or resolution or something for the movies I would put on my memory stick so I can get movies to sub 200MB level? This way I could fit two full movies on there which would be sweet....

As for the original topic... hey I may come off as a Sony fanboy myself, but I'm not. I do own both the DS and the PSP, and have found things to like and to gripe about with both. But I must say I myself am having WAY more fun with the PSP as it stands right now. If I could only have one, it'd be PSP hands down.
Yeah bast, GP32 video is incredibly poor when compared to what you can achieve on your PSP.

I always encode my video using the full frame rate, but you can put it down to waht you want ie 15fps. I myself havent tried this, as I am in love with the quailty I get using the QB4 setting, and one movie on an outing is enough. But, in 3GP_Converter, there are loads of options - less quality full frame rate, lower frame rate with varying quailty etc.

You can fit what you want on, it all depends on how low you are prepared to go quality wise, if you're thinking GP32 quality then you're laughin'.

I would reccomend just experimenting and finding your own acceptable quality to amount of film you want on.
really... I didnt' know gp32 quality was so bad :P it worked for me for a few anime episodes I put on there. I guess I'd prefer quantity to quality in this case. But for a real movie or an action movie I guess I'd go for a bit higher quality.

now, how do I put the movies onto the PSP? I know I have to create a "Video" folder on the card myself.... I remember reading the rest of the details somewhere but can't remember where.
I always was a Nintendo Fan.
So you could call me a fanboy.
My first handheld was the gameboy and the first console was from nintendo too.
Later i started liking handhelds and i have had every gameboy!
Then i bought my GP32 the first step away from the Nintendo world.
I still liked my GBA better tough (more games)....

Now i still love nintendo but the PSP is..............
I have a DS and a PSP.
When I first saw my DS i was like woh!!
When I first saw my PSP i couln´t say anything because I fainted :P

When I compare them with games: Both are great!
When I compare them with GFX: PSP kicks nintendo´s ass!!!
When I compare them with age: DS every age , PSP maybe a little older.
When I compare them with prics: DS is cheap! a PSP is allot of money but worth it!

When I compare them alround: There both good , but when my PSP goth here I didn´t touch my DS since........
Anyone think they can guess when I'll be able to pay under £100 for a psp in the UK (either second hand or new).

if you're willing to import, i'd guess maybe by the summer holidays?
Sweet. Hopefully all the "psp/ds is best" shit will have died down by then and people will just be playing games. I guess I can import. Hopefully if there are any bugs they will be ironed out by then.
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You may think i am a fanboy but i aint. My first consoles were all sega. I only started with nintendo when i got a gameboy in 1994. I like to be open minded about my consoles (i have all the consoles out) and i think all are great because they have things that make them good. This is like the DS and PSP. The Innovation is why i like ds but the shear power of the psp is why i like it. We'll just see at E3 what gets unveiled and a whole new set of arguements can begin. Whos looking forward to the new consoles being shown off?
There'll always be system wars as long as people have to invest money to won these things. DS/PSP talk wont die down untill the next generation comes out.

Anyway I think it needs saying that there's nothing wrong with likeing both systems. Just because the PSP's games look awesome dosent mean it's going to be without it's issues, and no I'm not talking about that silly ass ejecting disk bullshit. Not every game is going to be the second coming for either system. Both will have their hits and misses in the comming year.

As for video on the PSP My friend encoded a music video last weekend it ws very clear, 30fps, stereo and fit on the included 32mb card...but only barely. The people who wrote the tutorial for PSP videos are spoiled, never having to try and squeeze 2 hours onto a SMC. It's like they didn't even want to concider droping the framerate or decimating by 2.
We'll just see at E3 what gets unveiled and a whole new set of arguements can begin. Whos looking forward to the new consoles being shown off?

New consoles?

Microsoft mentioned nothing of the Xbox2 at the CES and popular thought seems to be leaning towards this being placed on the back burner for sometime.

Is the PS3 likely to debut then?
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apparently we're due to hear/see more about all 3 major next-gen consoles at e3.

a late 2006/early 2007 release seems likely.

edit: maybe a bit earlier.
Hmm... The only reason I would buy a PSP (for a while, as those crappy, redundant EA outings just piss me off and I don't care about MGS) would be for Ridge Racers. I got into the series just recently. Other than that, though, I really don't need or want a PSP. I would never use any of its multimedia features, and for the most part, EVERYONE has a DS, which makes for a nice community about it. It may not have the most innovative games right now, but Ridge Racer DS is actually quite fun, alone or with friends, Super Mario 64 DS is the same masterpiece it was on the N64, and the Metroid demo multiplayer is incredibly entertaining. Once Animal Crossing DS comes out, I won't ever need to touch another game system. AND, as a bonus, if I get bored of the few launch titles, I can just throw in a GBA title.

For me, the game lineup, right now and in the near future, just isn't very interesting for the PSP. The only thing I see is a lot of EA sports titles and lot of generic racers, with a shooter or two thrown in for good measure. Not interested.