
I have to say the psp launch games are better as i have bought 7 but only bought 3 ds games oh and thats even tho the psp ones are all jap :o

I'm with Cabbage. I've had my DS since launch day, and to date only have three games for it (mario, asphalt gt, feel the magic) will get Wario as soon as it's out. I've been buying up PSP games left and right and have seven so far (MG Acid, Ridge Racers, Minna no Golf, Puzzle Bobble, Lumines, Dynasty Warriors, Chaos Tower) and so far the only one I've been dissapointed with was Dynasty Warriors. I play the PSP WAY more than I've played the DS (Mario lasted a while, asphalt gets old fast, Feel the magic is over in a day). I haven't even touched my DS in two weeks. Whereas I take the PSP to work every night and play the hell out of it. You guys comparing the DS lineup to the PSP lineup haven't played anything for PSP. You're arguing something with screenshots as your basis for facts you dont' really have.

I can say this, Mario is, by and large, the best launch game out of any of the DS or PSP launch games. That's me trying to be as fair as I can. Especially for those who have not played Mario before, or haven't played it in a long time... it definatley has the most value as a game taken by itself. For me it's not such a good value as I had actually just played thru Mario 64 again recently on my Xbox (the N64 emulator is AMAZING... when it works!)... if I hadn't I'd probably be playign the hell out of my DS to beat it again. But, otherwise, the PSP launch has the DS launch whupped. More games, and more GOOD games. The PSP games I've listed that I own are all quality games, well done and very fun to play, except Dynasty Warriors and maybe Puzzle Bobble (which is fun but nothing new or different and actually lacking compared to the last puzzle bobble on PS2).

Face it, Mario alone can not save the DS launch lineup. As a whole, the launch was crap, period. And still even two months later there's really nothing new good has come out. Yes the DS will have good games at some point (that's why I'm keeping mine instead of selling as many current or soon-to-be PSP owners have done), but for now the PSP has more and more good games.

This thread really getting rediculous, by the way.
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yeah, mario 64 runs like a dream via ultra hle on surreal 64
wipeout64 runs pretty good on it, too:D
oh sweet... actually a lot of N64 games do run very well on the Xbox, but I never thought of trying Wipeout.

I'm actually a big fan of both wipeout and Fzero.

Oh and for anyone who didn't know this, a bit of clarification on Ape Escape for the PSP. There are actually going to be TWO Ape Escape PSP games, one is already out, and is just a collection of mini games, the other one due out soon, is a full platform/adventure game, similiar to ape escape 1 and 2... and yeah, I too am very curious how it will work w/o the dual analogs.

EDIT: is there a good list anywhere on the net, of all the games that run good on Surreal64?
bast whats chaos tower like iv enot really read anythin about it tho0ught it was goin to be a rpg or something :huh: . I have mario,wario(jap), and asphalt for ds and for psp i have minnano golf,ridge racers,lumines,vampire chronicle,dynasty warriors, and just got metal gear and ape escape yesterday. I just wonder how much better the psp would be if these games were in english as there great just now but your missin out alot if you dont know japanese. Oh and see that lumines i couldnt really get into it at first but then read somewhere that you should use the earphones so i did and now i would say its either the best or 2nd best game ive got :D
Lumines is possibly one of the best puzzle games I've ever played next to Super Puzzle Fighter. I couldn't get into it either at first, but then I read some stuff on it on the net and figured out how the game works and how the music fits in to the gameplay and got into the 'groove' and found it's really an ingenious game. Now if we'd had the english versions we'd probably all have gotten it right off the bat :P thus are the hurdles of playing import games :D .

Is it just me or are the headphones in the value pack REALLY nice little units? Really great sound on these things.

Cabbages, how is ape escape?? I've been dying for someone to tell me how this game is and how hard to figure out it is for us non japanese speakers??? I've been very tempted to buy it but dont' want another dynasty warriors :P
I havent really played ape escape much but its dosnt seem too good. Its playable but i noticed some of the games i didnt know what to do coz it tells you what to do in japanese. I will play it some more and see if its any good. Yup the earphones are good. Oh and somethin i just realised about the whole low battery life. the day m ypsp came i decided to order a second battery after reading about the battery life on the net. But i have never actually changed the battery.
The battery life is the biggest misconception ever. Fair enough I've only used it travelling into town, but it's lasted me days.

Cant believe I still havent got a second game yet. I wanted Ape Aceademy but I'm not to sure, might just get Lumines. Dont know if I'd like Acid.
agreed, lumines and golf are easy to pick up and figure out and offer a lot of depth and hours of enjoyment. I'd probably say golf has more 'meat' to it, as some people find puzzle games to get pretty repetitive after a while, and Mina no Golf just has a TON of stuff to unlock and is probably the game I put the most time into.

MG Acid is great if you like turn based strategy games at all, forget all the mention of card based this is NOT like YuGiOh, Pokemon, Magic or any of those other card games. It's a great game and not TOO hard to figure out in japanese. Still I'd probably pick up Golf first.
haha i was only joking. i know all about saving, too now that i'm pretty much on my own haha. i wouldn't mind ordering a psp now cept that i'm now saving up for pc parts that i need to get asap. i should have enough for a psp by us launch though. hah, all my money goes to electronics now, not even other nessecities(sp?) :D

above post^
this could mean that in order to free the psp to run unsigned stuff all you would need is a hacked firmware update thingy?
Totally random, just saw this and thought this was a funny comparison.


He's clearly pushing out the ds one though :P.