After reading this thread, it's pretty obvious that we're in a well defined demographic of people who like owning unique hardware.
Like a previous poster, I had to sell my A500 with 2mb ram and the fast ram solder and cut hack along with the color wheel newtek digitizer to finance my first PC. A piece of sh!t 486/33 4mb ram... I was able to get by running Pagemaker and Amax for Mac emulation for all the software I need until I had to run Autocad 10. :-(
Ironic that even though my A500 helped pay my way through school through desktop publishing jobs, it had to be sold to finish school. Now I play emulated Amiga games through a gp2x paid for by finishing school financed by the A500! The circle of life! :-D Here are some videos of uae4all 0.5.1 in action: