#!/usr/bin/env python2
import os, urllib, json
from lxml import html, etree
download_uri = 'http://apps.openpandora.org/cgi-bin/dl.pl?%s.pnd'
def download_apps(storage_dir):
categories = ('Emulators', 'Games', 'Applications', 'Other')
directory_uri = 'http://apps.openpandora.org/cgi-bin/viewarea.pl?%s'
destination_path = os.path.join(storage_dir, '%s.pnd')
for cat in categories:
page = html.parse(directory_uri % cat)
for i in page.xpath("//div[@class='itemlist']/ul/li/@onclick"):
name = i.rsplit('/',1)[1].rsplit('.',1)[0]
print 'Getting', name
urllib.urlretrieve(download_uri % name, destination_path % name)
def generate_json(storage_dir, output):
repo_data = {'repository':{'name':'Pandora Apps', 'version': 3.0},
pxml_start_key = '<PXML'; pxml_end_key = '</PXML>'
# Bytes of PND to check at a time, so we don't have to load the whole thing
# into memory at once.
window = 4096
# But maintain some overlap between each window to ensure the '<PXML'
# doesn't get cut off at the edge of one.
seek_jump = -window + len(pxml_start_key)*2
for fname in (i for i in os.listdir(storage_dir) if i.endswith('.pnd')):
print 'Parsing', fname
fpath = os.path.join(storage_dir, fname)
f = open(fpath, 'rb')
f.seek(-window, os.SEEK_END)
# Seek backwards to start of PXML.
pxml_start = -1
while pxml_start == -1:
text = f.read(window)
f.seek(seek_jump-window, os.SEEK_CUR)
pxml_start = text.rfind(pxml_start_key)
f.seek(pxml_start-seek_jump, os.SEEK_CUR)
# Read remainder of file, then remove everything after end of PXML.
pxml = f.read().split(pxml_end_key, 1)[0] + pxml_end_key
# Strip out the stupid goddamn namespace stuff that I hate.
pxml = '<PXML>' + pxml.split('>',1)[1]
# Parse PXML through lxml.etree.
parser = etree.XMLParser(recover=True, remove_comments=True)
root = etree.fromstring(pxml, parser)
# Extract relevant data.
package = {}
package['id'] = root.xpath('/PXML/*/@id')[0]
package['uri'] = download_uri % fname[:-4]
package['version'] = {'major':'0', 'minor':'0', 'release':'0',
'build':'0', 'type':'release'}
version = root.xpath('/PXML/*/version')[0]
package['version']['major'] = version.xpath('@major')[0]
package['version']['minor'] = version.xpath('@minor')[0]
package['version']['release'] = version.xpath('@release')[0]
package['version']['build'] = version.xpath('@build')[0]
package['version']['type'] = version.xpath('@type')[0]
except IndexError: pass
titles = {}
for title in root.xpath('''/PXML/package/titles/title | /PXML/package/title
| /PXML/application[1]/titles/title | /PXML/application[1]/title'''):
lang = title.get('lang')
if lang is not None and lang not in titles:
titles[lang] = title.text
descriptions = {}
for desc in root.xpath('''/PXML/package/descriptions/description |
/PXML/package/description | /PXML/application[1]/descriptions/description
| /PXML/application[1]/description'''):
lang = desc.get('lang')
if lang is not None and lang not in descriptions:
descriptions[lang] = desc.text
package['localizations'] = {}
for lang in titles.iterkeys():
l = {}
l['title'] = titles[lang]
l['description'] = descriptions[lang]
except IndexError: pass
package['localizations'][lang] = l
package['size'] = os.path.getsize(fpath)
# TODO: Calculate MD5.
author = root.xpath('/PXML/*/author')[0]
package['author'] = {}
for i in ('name', 'website', 'email'):
j = author.get(i)
if j is not None:
package['author'][i] = j
except IndexError: pass
# TODO: Icons, previewpics from apps.o.o.
package['categories'] = list(set(root.xpath('/PXML/application/categories//@name')))
# Add package to list.
json.dump(repo_data, open(output, 'w'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
storage = '/media/disk/pnd_storage'
outfile = '/home/randy/www/extra/repo.json'
generate_json(storage, outfile)