How to install Android on your Pandora

The same thing happened to me, but the difference was that I didn't even extract the meta-inf directory in the first place!
Then I don't know what the magic is. Sometimes it works, sometimes not and I can't fathom why.
I'm stuck at the Setup Wizard after replacing the system folder inside /pandora/appdata/android_gingerbread/.
Delete the Meta-inf directory. That is what worked for me though I didn't do extensive tests: boot with and it stops there; delete and it is fine. Others said this advice works for them, too. I just hope it isn't something else and the meta-inf is just a red herring/coincidence.

The same thing happened to me, but the difference was that I didn't even extract the meta-inf directory in the first place!

It seams this happens the first time you boot if you delete meta inf or not a reboot passes this part
You should try to replace it with the playstore.
That should be done automatically?
not sure if this has been noted but long press on pandora button brings up recent programs used, which is handy.
After i made a 800 mb Swapfile on my SD Card, World of Goo runs realy Playable on my Circuitco Pandora, but i have a Problem whit my Wifi: Im 3 m short on my Accespoint, but the Pandora the Signal isnt that good.., on Super Zaxxon, Wifi works realy well...
If you base your wifistrenght on the indicator in Android, don't care about it. It's a bit strange and won't show the real signalstrenght imho.
Has anyone tried using the Game Keyboard app on the Pandora? I can get the controls to appear onscreen, but I don't know how to map them correctly. I know ED has used it sucessfully, but I can't seem to find any simple step-by-step guide to getting this working properly! The game I'm trying to get working is Jet Car Stunts, I downloaded it for my Archos tabelt originally, but it doesn't play nicely with ICS!!
Map Touchscreen Controls to physical controls

Not all games support physical controls - some only use the touchscreen.

However, there's an app called "GameKeyboard 2.0" that will help you out :)

The usage is quite confusing, but here's a guide to help you with that.

1. Go to CyanogenMod Settings and enable "Soft Keyboard" on long menu button press. This way you can bring up the keyboard in most games holding the Menu Button (doesn't work in all games, but will still work there).

2. Run GameKeyboard and set it up (only needed the first time)

3. Follow the on-screen instructions to enable it as SoftKeyboard and choose it as current SoftKeyboard.

4. Then in the settings, do the following:

  • Enable "Touchscreen Mode"
  • Enable "Remap Hard-Key"
  • Map your buttons with "Hardkey Mappings": Select a free slot, press the desired D-Pad direction or button and select in the list what it should be (i.e. D-Pad up to D-Pad up, etc.)
  • Go into "Layout Edit" and allow "Layout Edit Mode"

This is the first-time setup, GameKeyboard is now ready to be used. Grant it root access when it asks for :)

5. Run your game. If the touchscreen buttons and DPad are located in the default GameKeyboard locations, the Pandora controls should now just work.

6. If buttons / DPad are somewhere else on the screen, hold the menu button which should show the GameKeyboard controls (doesn't work with all games).

7. Move the controls around using the touchscreen to match the touchscreen controls. Some games hide them though when you press the menu button, some don't even show the GameKeyboard as they disable the softkeyboard. In this case, remember where DPad / buttons need to be, go to the GameKeyboard app and slide the controls at the desired location and then go back to the game.

Once that's done, the game will work with your physical gaming controls.

As you can save different profiles in GameKeyboard, you only need to match the locations per game once and then safe the config.

That instruction from ED does not work for you?

wanted to report an issue ( for others not to fall into it ):

I've been using android for pandora regularly for say, a week,

and had no critical problem.

Then I tried to use a 64gb sd card I couldn't use on the normal linux side ( wouldn't show up )

in the second sd slot ; android detects it, says it is unreadable,

proposes to format .

but upon formating, it formats the one in the first sd slot instead ;)

edit : aprat from that works impressively well,

swipes are very hard to do, but that's the touch screen :P

nothing new from xfce
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didn't find that guide before to be honest, thanks for digging it up! I'll try it later after work :)