How To Deal With The Newbs?

A personal favourite of mine has to be the, 'Convince me to buy a Pandora/Wiz/Dingoo' threads. The best way bar none to get off on the wrong foot round these parts.
aesir911 said:
I just find it humorous that you don't want to waste time answering simple questions from "the others", yet you waste so much time yelling at them and posting threads on how to subdue them.
What? This thread is for a way to answer their questions without us repeating ourselves repeatedly over and over again and getting pissed off at them.

The thread for subduing noobs is in Off-topic.
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lol maybe we should make a sort of informative MUD before giving forum privelegdes?
First complete the google quest
Then complete the search forum quest
Then complete the right way to ask a question quest
then How prevent becoming a flamed bbq-sausage quest

whut wait!? what is worse, that newbies get flamed about their lack of knowledgde or some hardcore pandora users flaming??

Maybe we could use the mud as a phunisment and temp-ban :P
aesir911 said:
I just find it humorous that you don't want to waste time answering simple questions from "the others", yet you waste so much time yelling at them and posting threads on how to subdue them.
I think the point is, you were asking lots of questions, and if we don't say "hey you can find this out yourself" to people, they'll keep asking more and more questions.
In your case, you responded rather negatively to that, and posted some offensive replies even to people who were asking you politely.

We're perfectly willing to answer your questions in future if you make some effort to find out the answer before you start. :)

Anyway, I'm not going to let an argument about the past derail an important topic.
(which is supposed to help newbs, not "subdue" them :blink: )
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Aninhumer said:
aesir911 said:
I just find it humorous that you don't want to waste time answering simple questions from "the others", yet you waste so much time yelling at them and posting threads on how to subdue them.
I think the point is, you were asking lots of questions, and if we don't say "hey you can find this out yourself" to people, they'll keep asking more and more questions.
In your case, you responded rather negatively to that, and posted some offensive replies even to people who were asking you politely.

We're perfectly willing to answer your questions in future if you make some effort to find out the answer before you start. :)

Anyway, I'm not going to let an argument about the past derail an important topic.
(which is supposed to help newbs, not "subdue" them :blink: )

My experience is half are polite and answer your question quick, and the other half are conceited and are just looking for a fight or to flaunt that they have been on this blog for 3 months more then the n00bs. If you don't like what someone posts, just leave them in their ignorance and don't give them the satisfaction of a response. I've never purposely started fights, just tried to defend myself. I always look first for answers to find it out myself, trust me (besides the first 2 posts that is, because I did not know the full capacity of the search engine.) Enough about me though, I would say just ignore the people, but I don't think they'll be too much of a problem once they come out. Cause there won't be too many little annoying kids with a $400 pandora. Also, the "I need help [Pandora]" forum subcategory will come out, just like with all the others, and that should help.
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