How Much Time Take Cancellation?

NLS said:
borgqueenx said:
Every topic like this should be removed, for the creator's own way.
Well, I think anyone should be allowed to cancel their order if it means they can get their family some Christmas presents.
Heh, wouldn't like to sit there on christmas eve and hear from my father "sorry, but I put my money into a product for myself that hasn't arrived yet and I didn't have the money to buy you a present" :rolleyes:

Hopefully, they'll reply as soon as possible. Plus Craig just mentioned that they might start taking orders for the 2nd batch right after the arrival of the 1st one, so you'll be back on track again soon if you have to drop spot in the line.
Because they'l regret it... I misused a word by the way. "way" had to be "sake".
On the other hand you are right it depends on how enthousiastic you are about pandora.
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Hi guys, i want to say that jacquelyn have answer me, im giving the bank details now and she said that when she had that info they would send the money, so i supose i'll have it before christmas
guizm said:
Hi guys, i want to say that jacquelyn have answer me, im giving the bank details now and she said that when she had that info they would send the money, so i supose i'll have it before christmas
Nice to hear :)
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guizm said:
Hi guys, i want to say that jacquelyn have answer me, im giving the bank details now and she said that when she had that info they would send the money, so i supose i'll have it before christmas
We'll meet again in the second batch ;)
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guizm said:
Hi guys, i want to say that jacquelyn have answer me, im giving the bank details now and she said that when she had that info they would send the money, so i supose i'll have it before christmas
5 or 10 business days for a bank to bank transfer is usually the longest it can legally take, and they tend to take it from my experience. Banks are jerks like that. I worked with a bank once, doing automatic billing. It was a really simple system: every morning the program generates a file with the bank information to be billed, uses a modem to direct connect to their server (so there's no chance of internet interception) and uploads it to a directory. Then, every day for the next 10 days it would have to dial back and check for a "response" file of the accounts that worked and those that failed. It typically took the full 10 days. I have no idea what the bank was doing during those ten days, but it made debugging a real pain.
Anywho, point of the story is that, even though they've sent the money, it doesn't mean you'll get it in time for Christmas. I really hope you do, but don't blame OpenPandora if you don't; complain to your bank about lagging for the sake of "tradition".
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Wizardstand: Thanks for that info, at least things seem to go fine now, let's see how much time it take for the bank transfer. Here in Spain bank tranferations usually take 3 days , all i can do now is wait and see it, i'll tell when my transfer is complete here.

Mali: Yeah, my plan is to order in a future batch, i love pandora and i love his comunity. I have a work, and i earn a salary that gives me around 200€ to spend in anything i want, so if in "Two Months" pandora isn't released yet perhaps i would be able to reorder.

Nightwheel: Really it's not bad idea, but it's a little more complicated, cause for that i would have to phone that person, talk to him ( i don't know how to speak english :P ), trust him ( this one is important ). It would take more time than a simple cancellation, but it's sad because my order number is between de 1000 and the 2000...
When I read threads like this, I cannot help but wonder what would you have done if your pandora shipped last month. Sell it on ebay and order a new one two months later?

Don't order stuff if you still need the money so badly. Oh well, it's your choice. I hope you get your money back in time.

but it's sad because my order number is between de 1000 and the 2000
That's not sad, it's good news. It's a chance I move up one spot in the queue :)
Hmmm. I was told a refund would be by Check or Paypal and it would be done right away if I choose. I have chosen not to. For now. While I await information on something Craig said.
Have the same unselfish though right now though. Get a refund fast, get stuff for my family. Get a Pandora later. I never expected to have this choice awaiting me or even occurring to me. But it is here and I have to deal with it. Good Luck man and hope you get it in time!
Hold on! Get the Pandora for the family, and okay, you'll have to let them have the occasional turn. I can't believe how selfish they are being.

Option 2: Change religions. Become Buddhists or something and scrap this gift giving business.

Option 3: Be selfish.

Na! You're going the right thing. I'd hate to have to may the call you have. But I have selected a Buddhist name just in case.
I recieved a e-mail today saying that the tranfer would be made today and i should recieve the transfer at friday or monday ( just 1 or 2 bussines day's, what do you think about this wizardstan? ). Anyway an hour later i recieved one saying that the IBAN code and the swift code were needed, i searched for it and send it, so i suposse that the transfer will be made tomorrow and i should recieve the transfer at monday/tuesday.
At least things seem to go fast, and it seem i should recieve the refund before christmas.
guizm said:
Hi guys, i want to say that jacquelyn have answer me, im giving the bank details now and she said that when she had that info they would send the money, so i supose i'll have it before christmas

I had money sitting in a paypal account...
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