How To Cancel My Order


Still Fresh
Apr 16, 2008
Hi all.

I want to cancel my order and get my money back. I sent an e-mail to:
Openpandora Sales <>
Pandora Orders <>

But I have no answer. This e-mails are active? I sent to this e-mail my re-found last time.

Thanks in advance.
They are being swamped with emails at the moment thanks to engadget so it may take some time before you receive a reply. Nothing to worry about
I'm sorry you are bailing, but you just made some hopeful preorderer's day!

I'm sure they will get to your refund once they get caught up with their emails. Good luck on future endeavors.
spaceballs3000 said:
How long have you been waiting for a response?

three minutes! Four if you count the time to write the post! And STILL no refund!!!
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Monk said:
spaceballs3000 said:
How long have you been waiting for a response?

three minutes! Four if you count the time to write the post! And STILL no refund!!!

That`s still very slow by todays standards, Especially in this instant world we live in.

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Yigguth said:
They are being swamped with emails at the moment thanks to engadget so it may take some time before you receive a reply. Nothing to worry about

Since 5 Oct. Many time waiting I believe.
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I would of thought that the team would have barely enough money to refund people at this stage considering they've overstocked alot of components. Anyways maybe you should send another email or use a different account. When I preordered around March I remembered that one of the emails I sent wasn't replied so I sent another one and they replied very quickly. These topics scare me so I hope its just a minor problem.
Prompt said:
Yigguth said:
They are being swamped with emails at the moment thanks to engadget so it may take some time before you receive a reply. Nothing to worry about

Since 5 Oct. Many time waiting I believe.

Some of us have been waiting for the Pandora for a year (or even more if you count before the pre-order date) and you waited over a day - possibly two days - in the middle of an e-mail rush before complaining that they hadn't responded - and you think THAT is "many waiting"?

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Monk said:
Prompt said:
Yigguth said:
They are being swamped with emails at the moment thanks to engadget so it may take some time before you receive a reply. Nothing to worry about

Since 5 Oct. Many time waiting I believe.

Some of us have been waiting for the Pandora for a year (or even more if you count before the pre-order date) and you waited over a day - possibly two days - in the middle of an e-mail rush before complaining that they hadn't responded - and you think THAT is "many waiting"?


I buy a pandora at first batch 1 year ago and waiting this pre-order more. I want a reply with something from pandora team about that.
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Well, the average response time at pandorasales by now is about 5 days. My pre-order mail took that much time to be answered (yesterday, by the way)... So no reason to stress yet.
Near-kun said:
Well, the average response time at pandorasales by now is about 5 days. My pre-order mail took that much time to be answered (yesterday, by the way)... So no reason to stress yet.

Good, perfect :) thanks for reply.
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stephen0205 said:
why would u want to cancel your order when there getting close to completion
:lol: :rolleyes:
Well it's been a long time since I post anything here ... Maybe one year or so. I suppose I can allow myself some sarcastic comments :) Btw, I wonder if pandora 2007 (yes, 2007 ! late 2007 to be more precise) fanboys are still here ? Like the one that made a fansite and so and so ?
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stephen0205 said:
why would u want to cancel your order when there getting close to completion

Putting my sarcasm to one side for a moment - it actually DOES look like we could be nearing the end of the first batch run. I wouldn't like to put any (two months) time predictions in place, but actually it's looking more positive than it has for a while IMHO :D
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stephen0205 said:
why would u want to cancel your order when there getting close to completion

I remember a similar post from Craig. It was posted about two months ago. And about two months before that, somebody else posted something similar.
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Shaun. said:
Iwould of thought that the team would have barely enough money to refundpeople at this stage considering they've overstocked alot ofcomponents...
Perhaps true but completely besides the point, they have legal obligations regardless of their cash status.

stephen0205 said:
why would u want to cancel your order when there getting close to completion
Why would his personal reasons matter to you? He may need the money back, or got a different device (one more suited to his needs or simply one presently available), or decided he doesn't have much use for the Pandora after all. A silly question, he is not you, his reasons are his own.
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stephen0205 said:
why would u want to cancel your order when there getting close to completion
Yea, only two months to go!
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