Has The Amex Problem Been Solved?


Sep 30, 2008
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I still remember how hard it was to get an answer after that AMEX freeze had happend.
This deserves a new thread so I open this one on behalf of others to get an answer, hopefully :)

ben_dash said:
craigix said:
and a few orders are always never paid (we are cancelling every single one of these now).

How does that happen? Do you have a lay-away plan?

I was part of the mixup with the Amex cards that couldn't get refunded back in 2008 so I really hope that you were able, in the end, to get my money from the bank who froze it.

I'm really tempted to get on the waiting list for a second unit from the first batch, if people are still canceling now.

I need to order a TV-out dongle first though.

Xian Long said:
ben_dash said:
I was part of the mixup with the Amex cards that couldn't get refunded back in 2008 so I really hope that you were able, in the end, to get my money from the bank who froze it.

yeah i was part of the amex mixup, and i'm wondering if my order was cancelled. any information anyone?
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I was in the Amex mishap, and I filed a dispute with Amex. They refunded the FULL amount (No exchange rate loss), but I gave the FULL amount back to OP as a MO.

edit: I should note, that it's probably WAY too late to get a refund at this point from Amex.
Yeah, iirc there was a timeframe you had to file the refund inside and some people missed it. OP wanted to take care of the issue.

@post below
Peca, the AMEX issue is a bit different. Don't confuse it with the other credit card re-funds ;)
Sorry to say, but I guess that it is little foolish from those people (no offence). "Everybody" knows about payment issue. All payment was refunded by bank asylum without chance for interference from OP team and all pre-orderers must pay again by other payment method. In this light is really weird to stay calm and do nothing when money doesn't came back to origin bank account.

IIRC, Craig say, that they wasn't have control on refunding and it went all in bank asylum guidance. It was really madness and coast me about twenty beers more to pay direct bank transfer fee (beer in our country is expensive about $1). As I'm married and cut crawl with friends, it is not big deal in really :-)
peca said:
(beer in our country is expensive about $1).

Is that in a bar?

If so, that's not expensive!
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$1? are you kidding me? That's cheaper than what I pay at the store sometimes. Although I admittedly buy expensive beer (Guinness, Sierra Nevada, Samuel Adams) but I love good beer, it not about getting drunk to me(most of the time).
guys calm down about the beer price.
He lives in a not so rich country. I bet he has a way lower incoming.
Or maybe it is just a mistake in his writing and he meant something like "costs" instead of "expensive".

Any way, I like beer too :)
But anyway....

About the AMEX thing....

I couldn't get a refund from AMEX, because it was past the refund window date, and so the last I heard the money was still sitting in the bank in the UK but I did get a note, just over a year ago, saying that I did not need to repay, so perhaps they were able to liberate the money from the bank after all.

I certainly hope so!
peca said:
Sorry to say, but I guess that it is little foolish from those people (no offence). "Everybody" knows about payment issue.

Haha, no offense, but it sounds like you didn't know about the payment issue that we are talking about; AMEX was a specific payment issue that was different to the issue with other credit cards...

The AMEX payment issue was that the bank locked the account and refused to refund the money to the cards so the only option was to request AMEX to put the payment into dispute, unfortunately there was a 2 month window for that and after that there was no way for the customer to pull the money out of the bank.

The last I heard was that Craig was banging his head against a brick wall trying to convince the bank to either refund the AMEX charges or unlock the account.
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ben_dash said:
The AMEX payment issue was that the bank locked the account and refused to refund the money to the cards so the only option was to request AMEX to put the payment into dispute, unfortunately there was a 2 month window for that and after that there was no way for the customer to pull the money out of the bank.
So? Mean this that those who wasn't ask for charge back lost their money? Or is this money still held by bank?

<offtopic> beer note: I'm from Czech Republic. It is not so poor country but still not so rich as Germany, France or GB (ie). And YES, beer costs about $1 in pub (half litre, we don't drink from small glass). Well known brand as Budweiser Budvar or Pilsner Urquell coasts about $1.5 (€1). You know, beer isn't alcohol, it's food. ;-) This stay for common pubs and bars not for restaurants in tourist centres. But if next government will be from those socialist party we will go to financial shit as Greece. :( </offtopic>
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peca said:
So? Mean this that those who wasn't ask for charge back lost their money? Or is this money still held by bank?
That's what this thread is for ;) Obviously some people haven't been informed about the status of their AMEX order, yet. Now that Craig is sorting out old orders who didn't pay, it's a good time to ask, imo.
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MonkeyChops said:
$1? are you kidding me? That's cheaper than what I pay at the store sometimes.

Beer prices here stink. I make homebrew, though, which works out 40p per pint.

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IIRC, I remember Craig saying that he would bite the bullet for the AMEX orders and we would get our Pandoras at no extra charge. I have sent a couple of e-mails since to confirm that my order was still intact, seeing as how I was also affected by the AMEX problem, and they said that they had me marked as an AMEX order and that everything was taken care of.

-God Ginrai
God Ginrai said:
everything was taken care of.

Yes I knew that everything was taken care of from my perspective from emails I received at the time.

I was just curious if, a year later, if everything was taken care of from Craig et al's perspectives because I REALLY hope that they managed to get their money out of the bank because, if not, I'd like to tell my friends and family to avoid doing business with that bank in the future and I'll try to make it up to Craig et al by buying some more stuff from them with some other form of payment.

Was it HSBC?
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Pleng said:
MonkeyChops said:
$1? are you kidding me? That's cheaper than what I pay at the store sometimes.

Beer prices here stink. I make homebrew, though, which works out 40p per pint.


nice! a fellow homebrewer. Would love to chat about it sometime. I just made a imperial stout. 25 gallons of it! :D very tasty
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ben_dash said:
Was it HSBC?

It was HSBC. No surprise, HSBC has the worst customer service rating of all major banks. They treat all of their customers badly, not just OpenPandora.

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