Yes I suppose "guesstimate" would be a better word for it. If I had some kind of percent for lurkers I could be more accurate but there are some assumptions you can make from this poll.
Nearly 80% of the people voting are ready to buy right now. There are around 15000 members on gp32, round that to 10000 (pulled this number from my butt) for actual active users and say roughly half of those are interested in the pandora. Then I'd guess that the "80% buy now" number is too high since those numbers come from users interested enough to "hang out" in the pandora forum. So, I'd cut that number in half also. So say 40% of 5000, which I'm sure is high but prob not to crazy if you assume that accounts for the lurkers and such.
So my "guesstimate", my very-crude-pull-numbers-out-of-my-butt guesstimate says that 2000 units will sell in the first day or 2.
Who thinks I'm crazy?