I class myself as an okay gamer. I complete most games I play, it may take me a while sometimes though. I remember one of the tomb raider games took me over a year to play as I kept putting it down all the time (And I don't mean having it shot coz of a broken leg).
Myself I like to find all the secrets, I usually play it through like a woman possessed, then I go back or replay it looking for secrets. i.e. Doom had loads of extra stuff to find, Jak and Daxter had lots to pick up and with Spyro the Dragon you got an extra level when you found all the diamonds.
My pet hate is someone saying "Yeah I finished the game in one night" then asking them about a part I liked, they haven't a clue what I am talking about as they just happened to look up some cheats and skipped a hard part that led to something amazing.
Cheats are pointless, so what if you're out of bullets or plasma bolts, it just means you have not gained enough skill to beat the game. Keep playing, get better at it!
It was down to the above I got my love of Doom. I remember starting a level on little health, hardly any ammo and I just hid in a small secret room listening to all the wee beasties snorting around me, afraid to venture out as one bite or bullet in the nose would mean I would be playing with the fishes. That really gave me a sense of digital mortality. I would never have had that experience if I had looked up IDKFA or whatever it was. The point of some games is to keep you in suspense, always looking for the next nibble of health, or the next secret that takes you away from all this horror :lol: .
Anyway, yet again I have gone orf on a tangent. As I said at the top of the post I'm an okay gamer, I could give some of you a thrashing at a deathmatch, but I don't class myself an expert. :unsure: