Advanced Member
Thanks by the way for the tool, slaeshjag, I find it very useful and comfortable. Should be built in Pandora OS. ^^
It is actualy a good idea that SWAP is not always on, at least in my case it was more or less a quick test. But I would like to control when it is enabled and when it is disabled. I basicly only need it when browsing or watching youtube Videos and Music. There I noticed by the way that swap was deactivated, because Firefox just crashed during halfways through a simple Music file over Youtube. RAM full or whatever. Swap really works miracles here. I guess when this ZRAM thing is ready, we don't even need a real swapfile, flash memory based devices are not made for this. (I wonder how all the Smartphones and Tabletts manage this issue)
It is actualy a good idea that SWAP is not always on, at least in my case it was more or less a quick test. But I would like to control when it is enabled and when it is disabled. I basicly only need it when browsing or watching youtube Videos and Music. There I noticed by the way that swap was deactivated, because Firefox just crashed during halfways through a simple Music file over Youtube. RAM full or whatever. Swap really works miracles here. I guess when this ZRAM thing is ready, we don't even need a real swapfile, flash memory based devices are not made for this. (I wonder how all the Smartphones and Tabletts manage this issue)
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