iatneH said:
A little off-topic, but someone mentioned about trying to get GP2X mainstream "in the hands of kids". Something to that effect.
Good Lord no. Do you really want that to happen? I'm fairly happy with GP2X being very niche as Squidge said, because more people using the device means more stupid people use the device. Have you ever read (or tried to read) a PSP or more recently DS message board? That's what happens when your device goes mainstream in the hands of kids. It really makes you wish the sun would go nova.
I mostly agree, being a kid myself.
Many of the psp/ds forums are flooded with questions on "howz duz i get teh romz?"
The gp2x doesn't seem to have this problem, luckily. Besides many kids these days would rather have their parents give them $40 so they can buy a game and stick it in instead of doing the small, slightly educational, task of setting up homebrew. Also I can't tell you how many friends I have who beg me to load their psp's with roms and set up the emulators, but I refuse :ninja: and tell them that they need to learn it for themselves.
That is the main problem with promoting the GP2X to others: It is not plug-and-play like the PSP and Gameboys are. People see mine and want to get one and I tell them that the GP2X is more like a computer than a PSP. Many people can’t even install software on their PCs using installers, don’t understand file systems, and can’t be bothered learning how to configure each different emulator’s controls and other settings. The GP2X is a wonderful tool for those who at least could understand and manually setup a few emulators on their desktop computer. Unless someone shows the capacity to want to learn [RTFM] to do these things I don’t recommend it.