If You Were Going To Design A Super-gp2x

For me, adding a 3D hardware would be enough for me, so I could play n64 or playstation roms at good speeds ;) I'm happy with everything else with my GP2X
To keep things realistic, since this is supposed to be a low-cost device, the only thing I would really change is add in a powered USB host for small things such as flash drives and game controllers.

I see a lot of people mentioning wifi here. I'd have to say that wifi in a GP2X is simply not worth it. Not enough people own GP2X's to make it viable for multiplayer gameplay and any place that has a wifi connection for internet will almost assuredly have a PC connected to it as well. For the scant few times that someone might have to use the GP2X to access the internet, the GP2x is not a device ideal for browsing the web. Of course, you can mention streaming music and video, but how many people are buying the GP2X with that kind of major intention? At most it is a perk but definitely not a necessity.

Also, people mentioned that the second core has to share RAM with the first core, making it not as versatile as it could be. I don't know anything about the ARM architecture, but is it possible to allocate a part of the RAM for use by the second core only?
Ranma13 posted on Jul 10 2006 at 06:28 AM said:
Also, people mentioned that the second core has to share RAM with the first core, making it not as versatile as it could be. I don't know anything about the ARM architecture, but is it possible to allocate a part of the RAM for use by the second core only?
I guess the data and address busses are shared(?) and that's probably the problem (my guess, not having seen a HW block diagram... "dual port RAM"??).

My only wish for wifi would be for multiplayer games (be worthwhile friends buying the console as well then - sw support obv necessary), not for internet access - probably bluetooth could be used instead.

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Much better joystick/pad
Docking station that has power input and output, also USB sockets for keyboards etc.
Faster Processor
More Ram
Rechargable batteries like DS
There are also a few OS/software changes I would make

On the whole I quite like the current machine, it just needs tidying up in places...
Nickmon posted on Jul 10 2006 at 09:19 AM said:
Rechargable batteries like DS
Isn't it better the way it is now? I'm sure with the DS you have to leave it plugged into the wall to recharge. With the GP2X if you have a set of 4 recharable AA's you can have two in the unit and two recharging, then just swap them about... or if you are away from a power supply, just take a few spares with you.
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I have only had mine a week so I am not really bothered about a new one just yet. The only thing I ask for is consistency in button use. Like sometimes A is fire, sometimes B is fire.

I got it as it plays 'old school' games. You cant really improve that. This is what I believe it is being marketed on.

Alright If you really wanted an answer:
10mp built in camera.
1Ghz processor.
Super dooper 3d graphics chip
Built in 40G hardrive
built in modern webbrowser
Really thin fold out keyboard
oh and maybe holographic projected screen
And it has to make me a nice cup of tea.
I don't know how many topics started asking for better GP2X. I don't like topics like this one. What we have is a GP2X not a OQO which costs around 2500 USD. Do you have any other fantasies?

Built in keyboard with USB host function that also has wifi and never ending battery pacs or 3 x SD Card Slots and a 1.8" HDD Bay bla... bla... blaa... Please stop it.... <_<
Godmil posted on Jul 10 2006 at 10:07 AM said:
Nickmon posted on Jul 10 2006 at 09:19 AM said:
Rechargable batteries like DS
Isn't it better the way it is now? I'm sure with the DS you have to leave it plugged into the wall to recharge. With the GP2X if you have a set of 4 recharable AA's you can have two in the unit and two recharging, then just swap them about... or if you are away from a power supply, just take a few spares with you.

I don't know what it is but people just love to be tied to a proprietary battery. I guess they haven't learned yet that those cause a load of problems later on when the battery stops working and you can't get them anymore. Just ask any zodiac user whose custom battery is failing, or an ipod user that has to spend $100.00 to send the ipod in and have the custom battery replaced how they feel about the wonders of custom batteries ;)

A dual power system would be best. Perfect example is the Xbox 360 wireless controller. You can use AAs or the li-ion pack in the same controller.
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OrR posted on Jul 10 2006 at 09:39 PM said:
Touchscreen and Wifi... But it's too late... :( Well, maybe not for Wifi and a better stick.

That is what PDAs are for.

What is it with everyone and wifi? The GP2X is not an internet device, it has no keyboard. I don't know why people want every device they own to go on "the net". All that ywould do is increase cost and suck power, Bah!
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DaveC posted on Jul 10 2006 at 04:30 PM said:
What is it with everyone and wifi? The GP2X is not an internet device, it has no keyboard. I don't know why people want every device they own to go on "the net". All that ywould do is increase cost and suck power, Bah!

Multiplayer games are fun. I've got a DS and PSP and I love to play wifi games on them. Homebrew wifi could be quite fun.
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Bluetooth - forget wifi, if you're in 30 feet of your computer, you're all set. It'd also work for a keyboard and mouse, and maybe even storage devices (there's devices for that somewhere I bet)

Better Stick - ALA the NGP

Brightness Adjuster For Screen - The GP2X is absurdly bright right now, come on gamepark holdings, I need a backlit screen, not a high end flash light. It's really annoying to have something that bright glowing when you're gaming the dark, and I'd imagine it's a waste of battery life
The change I would like to see most apart from some of the tech hardware other people mentioned is a better grippier shape, the shape it is now starts to get real slippy and uncomfortable to grip after a while, maybe some finger grips underneath would help the most.

elvgren posted on Jul 11 2006 at 03:44 AM said:
The change I would like to see most apart from some of the tech hardware other people mentioned is a better grippier shape, the shape it is now starts to get real slippy and uncomfortable to grip after a while, maybe some finger grips underneath would help the most.


I read about a nds mod where the person used cut down Mountain bike handlebar grips (gel type) on the underside (these would be on each side of the battery compartment on the GP2X). He had even rigged it so that there were a couple of slips under for carrying additional sds for his supercard.

I might try this myself as Ive noticed that in epic Bust a move sessions level 20 and up the fusilage does get a little slippy.

If I can find the pics again I'll post. :-)
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