How (And When) Would You Prefer You Pandora?

Would you rather have the case as it is now ?

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Nothing is going to get settled anyway, . The poll is just fun for some, I will still have to wait and wait.
pointless, they wont ship 2 different versions, because if any has a flaw, everyone will start asking for a warranty/change.
I suspect Pandora assembly is trickier than you realize. Remember when ED tore the ribbon cable on one of the prototypes while trying to put it together? Granted, those were prototype cables and much more fragile than the production ones, but it's still a difficult procedure. One of the problems being fixed in this final case tweak is a widening of the opening that the ribbon cable passes through, because it's currently too tight. If they were to simply hand out the parts as-is, a significant number of users (regardless of the skills they claim to possess) would end up ruining their cables.
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I'm not necessarily looking for perfection. At the same time, I don't want to see issues in the case that will negatively affect gameplay, and/or will cause cracks in the case down the road. From what it sounds like, that's what we're looking at. I'm happy to wait an extra couple of weeks for these issues to get worked out. If the issue were just one small thing, that could be easily ignored, and fixing it would take one week or more, then I might say just ignore it and get on with production. But, I feel that the team wants to get this out more than I want it in my hands, so I trust that they will make the right decisions when they've eliminated all but the smallest of annoyances.
"is the case good enough for you?"

FFS - I don't know, I can't tell as I don't have one to test. Now, I'm not Craig's greatest fan but what I DO have is one of the chief luminaries behind the project saying that it's not good enough. So, to my mind, there's an excellent chance that it's not good enough.

When do I want it? November, maybe December 2008 - when I was told I'd get it. But I also want it to be good.
second exodous said:
Gerald1 said:
I have so many people that can assemble the unit, I would way prefer to have the case and board, as I can get it done.
Here is the qualifications that needs to be put fourth before you ask for this:

You haven't opened and successfully fixed at least 3 NDS/DSL/DSi units.

It seems like putting a device like this together would be easy, but it's not.

Agreed, it is very difficult, you could mess up the screen too (that darn ribbon). I'm pretty sure the developers would hate to hear dozens and dozens of buyers complaining about broken pandoras (and a refund).
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I don't want an unfinished one. If the developers think there's a problem there's a problem and I don't mind waiting -- despite having waited nowhere near as long as most of you.

Let's get it right.
Nothing is going to change the fact that I WILL AHVE TO WAIT AND WAIT. THEY SAY THEY HAVE SENT SOME OUT TO DELEEOPERS AND SO ON, THEN SEND ME ONE, I WILL BE GLAD TO TEST ONE, AND I WILL DO IT WIHT NO QUESTIONS ASKED, and will be glad to give up my waaranty. The one in the video looks fine to me. again my inout isnt the greatest, but I am part of this thing,so send me one like the one in the video and I will be fine. I see I have wasted my time, here, the poll is a joke and nothing is going to change, includeing the wait timee. once the case thingis supposedly fixed, another something will happen. mayb e they need to think about hand assembling the units. wont change the waiting game, but the ones that they hand assembled so far, look darn good.
To bad it wont be here at all. sorry to be so glum, but there are alot of ones on here that want everything tobe hunky dory, but life isnt. Everysingle time, and again, every single time there is another delay. I have worked long and hard for my money, so Why if they can hand assembe some , then do it. Who knows what tomorrow will bring still another delay and my reason for wanting one is kind of selfish, but my nerves are never the same , thanks to chemo I ahd several years ago, so when I heard about this pandara, I said wow. somehting to look forward to, but now I dont haveanyhting to look forward to, except delays and delays.
I'm sorry for you, Gerald, but like Chip said its better to wait till it's really good enough. ED broke his LCD ribbon when trying to assemble it. You would regret it, if you get an only half-working Pandora, I'm sure.
craigix said:
Let's not do a GP2X F100. Remember the original ideas behind the Pandora? Let's get it right.
YOU guys did it right, but the factory doesn't, thats the problem. ;)

I want a perfect Pandora, so I can I do for more than a year...
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Gerald, there can only be so many delays before even Craig will say enough is enough, so I don't think it can be much longer. This last tweak will add maybe two weeks onto your wait, you won't get it by Christmas but soon after that. If you feel that strongly I would give it just two more times to go back to the OP team and them send it back. After two more tweaking sessions I would just ask for my money back if I felt the way you do.

Maybe the Chinese company will get better about fixing things, it might be that they just aren't used to anyone wanting perfection.
I just new there would be a poll on here after ready the blog. Some of you guys would have a pandora with a bent screen and a few keys missing just to get one earlier. This poll is pointless since nobody will get one of the dodgy cases anyway.
I've only been waiting since April so this must be extremely frustating for the people that expected delivery this time last year. I would have probably gone insane by now.

It does remind me of when I ordered my Spectrum in 1982 (Yes I am that old). There were massive delays due to unpredicted demand and other things (see below if you're interested) and when my Speccy did eventually arrive it developed a fault within 4 weeks or so.

Ironic that I'm waiting for another rubber keyboarded computer that I will invariably be playing the same games on.

So I'd rather wait until the Pandora team are happy with the finished product before releasing it. At the same time I will be tearing my hair out and randomly screaming out my frustration until it arrives and I can eventually get my sweaty mits on it for hours of nostalgic fun...

...or I might just ebay it. Kerching!! ;) - I'm joking....
Gerald1 said:
now I dont haveanyhting to look forward to, except delays and delays.

Mate, hang in there. Nothing has really changed since a few days ago - in fact, now there are even less unknowns and we can feel more confident about imminent go-go-ness.
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GunPei2X said:
Gerald1 said:
now I dont haveanyhting to look forward to, except delays and delays.

Mate, hang in there. Nothing has really changed since a few days ago - in fact, now there are even less unknowns and we can feel more confident about imminent go-go-ness.
+1, also the Pandora is aiming to be closer to what the community wants more than any other company even wants to consider, it takes time.

craigix said:
The Pandora2 will most likely just have an OMAP4 stuck in the same case whenever the OMAP4 is done, which is probably going to be 2011. (don't believe any press releases saying 2009 etc. it is just for people like Nokia and samples).
All this work might carry directly over to Pandor2, you might get the second Pandora a lot quicker than if they didn't fix everything right now.
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