Release Hotfix 6 RC released


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Well, we're getting there!

Hotfix 6 RC - if there aren't any major bugs, this will be the final version of Hotfix 6!

If you already had HF6b1 on your unit, here's what changed:

* TV Out-fixed (NTSC Composite was broken), included TV Out Configuration tool from Caine

* PNDStore updated to latest version

* Included drivers for RTL8712/8188/8191/8192SU/8192CU WLAN Sticks. This has been done for the WiFi-Less-Pandoras sold with a WiFi Stick.

* Fixed Gigolo

* Some Lid-Closing / Power Saving-Bugs fixed

* Fixed issue that prevented unmounting of SD Cards in some cases

* pnd_run: restore the framebuffer status on PND exit. Hide $HOME into $REAL_HOME

* Increase Panel size so that the remaining battery time should now always stay below the %age.

The full list of changes from HF5 Final to HF6b1 are

* XFCE4 got a cleaned up menu as well as a more useful panel bar (I hope
) including Toggle WiFi as well as a quick CPU Speed changer

* Included dosfstools and curl

* Included drivers for RTL8712/8188/8191/8192SU/8192CU WLAN Sticks. This has been done for the WiFi-Less-Pandoras sold with a WiFi Stick.

* Fixed Gigolo

* TV Out: Added Composite / SVideo switch, made overlay programs work as well. Advanced configuration tool included.

* New feature: Lid-Settings

* Pandora-Button for XFCE4-Menu now works better

* Tempels PNDStore is built-in

* Caines new Nub-Settings are built-in

* midori and Arora have been completely removed - please use the PND version. Instead, links2 has been included as quick and fast browser and is now being used for viewing documentation.

* NetworkManager has been upgraded to a slightly newer version. netm-cli (the command line version) is included in the OS. This will be used by MiniMenu to connect to the internet (not included yet).

* A new default GUI selection has been included: "GUISelect". If you select this as default GUI, you'll be asked while booting whether you rather want to boot into MiniMenu or XFCE4

* kernel: WizardStan's optimized charger settings have been included. This should improve charging and increase the life of your battery. notaz made them configurable and tweaked them even more.

Thanks of course to all the devs (mainly notaz, sebt3, WizardStan, Ivanovic, tempel, Caine, Milkshake and skeezix) for the help so far

Please, report any bugs you may encouter on the Bugtracker!

Here's the download: Zaxxon Hotfix 6 RC

As this is a full flash, it will delete all your personal settings and files that are stored on the NAND! Be sure you don't have anything important there!

To install it, simply extract the archive onto the root of your SD Card.

Insert the SD Card into the left slot. Keep R (shoulder) pressed while switching on your Pandora and select "Boot from SD1"

If "Boot from SD1" doesn't appear, try to reformat the SD Card using Panasonic SD Formatter, recopy the files and retry.

You can also use the SD Installer and run HF6 RC1 off SD Card.

Grab the image needed for the SD Installer here

Don't forget to grab the latest kernel as well in this case.

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The download link for the zaxxon hotfix rc seems to be broken edd.At least its not working for me.


I guess we are all on it...

Installed.... fine so far
Wireless lan doesent seem to be working via the new taskbar icon or via the menu.also edd what about click wireless lan icon again to deactivate the wireless.Or is this a bug?Still i love the new taskbar and cpu/lan icons work.
Lulz @ broken link up there for the DL =P != www.openpandora,org/downloads/

about those lid settings,

where the lid detection on the pandora exactly? i have changed my LCD cable yesterday and i don't recall seeing any of such mechanism :eek:

about those lid settings,

where the lid detection on the pandora exactly? i have changed my LCD cable yesterday and i don't recall seeing any of such mechanism :eek:

I'm under the impression that it is a reed switch on the right hand side of the motherboard (when viewed from the top right) which is triggered by the magnet in the speaker.


where the lid detection on the pandora exactly? i have changed my LCD cable yesterday and i don't recall seeing any of such mechanism :eek:

There's a magnet-switch on the PCB, it is triggered by the speaker when you close it :)

Wireless lan doesent seem to be working via the new taskbar icon or via the menu.also edd what about click wireless lan icon again to deactivate the wireless.Or is this a bug?Still i love the new taskbar and cpu/lan icons work.

Wireless works fine here. What does dmesg report to you when you toggle WiFi?

You can also use the SD Installer and run HF6 RC1 off SD Card.

Grab the image needed for the SD Installer here

Don't forget to grab the latest kernel as well in this case.
Sorry, I don't get the last link in this bit. What's it for?

You always need the correct kernel for the OS.

The full flash package has everything included, but you might want to grab it yourself if you install the OS on SD Card (but ONLY then).
I'm pretty sure this wasnt the case on the last beta, but now in the menu items that start with a Capital are top but items without caps are bottom.


A App

B App

C App

a app
I'm pretty sure this wasnt the case on the last beta, but now in the menu items that start with a Capital are top but items without caps are bottom.


A App

B App

C App

a app

Hm, that was the case with ALL OS Versions yet, but true, it's a good idea to check if the sorting can be changed as well.
Also the shut the pandora down option doesn't seem to be working when closing the lid. When I re-opened the lid to see why it hasnt shut down, I see a counter telling me its going to shut down in 4,3,2,1 but when it gets to one the counter start all over again!

I tried manually rebooting, but still the same. This option worked fine in the last beta.
I think this has already been asked, but how can I keep my settings and stuff without erasing them with the update ?


you can always save home folder


tar -czf home.tar /home

then untar home.tar into your new /home directory