Release Hotfix 4 Final Released!


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Well, since there had been no bad reports about Hotfix 4 Beta 4 yesterday, it was about time to make it final :)

It is the exact same version as Beta 4, so if you installed this already,there's no need to install the final one.

The following fixes have been included in Hotfix 4:

* Kernel: Added Bluetooth patch by urjaman. PAN (bluetooth internet connections) work fine now.
* WiFi: Fixed the problem where you could not reconnect after you lost a connections
* xf86-video-omapfb: add pandora specific screen blanking
* Nub Mousebuttons: Moving down is now middle mousebuttons. Recognition of mouseclicks with the nub has been enhanced (patch by urjaman)
* Pandora-Scripts: The internal scripts (CPU-Speed, Startup-Manager, etc.) have icons now.
* Pandora-Scripts: Added simple TV-Out script.
* Lid: Opening / Closing will not affect the powersave mode anymore.
* Enhanced brightness scripts (made the more linear)
* Powersave mode: Fixed the CPU Speed setting
* pnd_run: Added support for clockspeed setting
* libpnd: Support spaces in pathnames and PND-Names.
* Updated to a more recent XFCE4-Version
* First-Run-Wizard and Time / Date script: Fixed bug of not-appearing calendar
* New default config for vim (thanks to Nils Kneuper (Ivanovic))
* Python: Added python-misc and python-modules
* New lib: libaudiofile0 now included
* MiniMenu: New config dialogue included (will be improved in the future)
* udev 151: add rule to reserve fb2
* Leds: Fix TWL4030 PWM LED driver (thanks to Urja Rannikko)
* Pandora misc: HACK to change OPP level according to set mhz (thanks to Urja Rannikko) + OPP limiter added (by notaz)
* OMAP: DSS2: make filter coefficient tables human readable, DSS2: add some hackish FIR filter coefficient access

To install it, remove all previouse HotFix PNDs from your SD Card and put the new one there (either in /pandora/menu or /pandora/desktop).
The Hotfix should install properly on ANY OS Version.

You can download it here.

A full flash image can be found here.
My unit suffered the problem of the "Please select the date" loop. With this new hotfix this loop doesn't happen anymore, but now when I try to set the time to, say, 23:42, the screen goes completely black (is this normal?) and comes back as soon as I move the nub, and the time that gets set ends up being 16:42 I doing something obviously wrong?

EDIT: Should I be able to right-click on the time in the bottom right and select 'clock'? This option is grey for me.
Azure said:
My unit suffered the problem of the "Please select the date" loop. With this new hotfix this loop doesn't happen anymore, but now when I try to set the time to, say, 23:42, the screen goes completely black (is this normal?) and comes back as soon as I move the nub, and the time that gets set ends up being 16:42 I doing something obviously wrong?

EDIT: Should I be able to right-click on the time in the bottom right and select 'clock'? This option is grey for me.

It looks like its a bug as it does it on my Pandora also.
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john4p said:
Does this also include Hotfix 3?

you bet! As with all the previous hotfixed, this one will have all other fixes included as well... (41 mb!) :)
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The FIR filter thing is really nice, you can disable the blurry scaling in GINGE etc. and use nearest neighbour.
All you have to do is run: sudo /usr/pandora/scripts/ none
zapman said:
you bet! As with all the previous hotfixed, this one will have all other fixes included as well... (41 mb!) :)
Good. (Wondering how big Hotfix 17 will be... ;))
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About the Date / Time-Setting: Looks like the wrong time is affected by the wrongly set timezone somehow. It works for me, but not for everyone else it seems.
Need to dive into this - HF5 Beta 1 should hopefully have a fix.

Regarding size:
The size is that big because we're now using IPKs instead of simply copying over the scripts.
It's easier to keep the system up-to-date like that, but it adds size.

Future versions will only become bigger, if NEW things will be updated (like Pidgin, Midori, etc.).
As long as only the same stuff (scripts, etc.) will be updated, the size will not grow (as the new updates simply replace the old one).

New things planned for HF5:
* Tweak settings dialogue (Select default filter, include some of the tweaks found here in software hacking, etc.)
* Remove caching to NAND for as many programs as possible
* Include OVR-Editing in MiniMenu :)
EvilDragon said:
Future versions will only become bigger, if NEW things will be updated (like Pidgin, Midori, etc.).
As long as only the same stuff (scripts, etc.) will be updated, the size will not grow (as the new updates simply replace the old one).

Thanks for all the work ED but can we have a pidgin sound/crash fix in HF5 if possible please... It comes in so handy to have msn running while I'm doing other things :)
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ED cracks the whip!

I'll make an OVR editor that works ouside of mmenu, so it works for xfce/whatever just as well -- ovr is at the libpnd level, so works with all environments, so building it right into mm would be easy, but a shame for xvce users :)

OVR editor will just be a simple QT tool or something, that lets you specify overrides to app name, icon, app's preferred cpu speed, etc. (ie: if an app specifies a cpu speed in its PXML, this will let you override it, or set it if not set already.)

Mutilator said:
Azure said:
My unit suffered the problem of the "Please select the date" loop. With this new hotfix this loop doesn't happen anymore, but now when I try to set the time to, say, 23:42, the screen goes completely black (is this normal?) and comes back as soon as I move the nub, and the time that gets set ends up being 16:42 I doing something obviously wrong?

EDIT: Should I be able to right-click on the time in the bottom right and select 'clock'? This option is grey for me.

It looks like its a bug as it does it on my Pandora also.

Did it for me too no hotfix 4 beta 3...

Freaked me out too...
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Glad to be back up and running with this.

Overclocking settings via ovr files in minimenu haven't worked for me until this hotfix, so that is very nice.

As for the stuttering, it seems partially fixed since hotfix beta 3. In gpfce for example, it's not stuttering anymore. Mame4all however still seems to stutter. :huh:
Thanks ED for all the hard work you're putting into those hotfixes (and to all the contributors, of course !) :)
naples39 said:
As for the stuttering, it seems partially fixed since hotfix beta 3. In gpfce for example, it's not stuttering anymore. Mame4all however still seems to stutter. :huh:

MAME4ALL has sound problems, those are not related to any Hotfix :)
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I don't have a Pandora yet but it's nice to see, how the OS is maturing. Since Hotfix 1 there were really huge usability improvements just from the Hotfix-side. :)
EvilDragon said:
New things planned for HF5:
* Tweak settings dialogue (Select default filter, include some of the tweaks found here in software hacking, etc.)
* Remove caching to NAND for as many programs as possible
* Include OVR-Editing in MiniMenu :)
This sounds even better. I like that some of the User-made Tweaks will be included. Comunity Power! :D I've seen some quite interesting SW tweaks here in the threads but some of this stuff needs Linux-Skills to make it work. For beginners it would be very helpful if some of these goodies are already in the OS.
And because I'm also not a fan of apps that write stuff somewhere to the NAND, I welcome the plan to "clean" programs in this case. Otherwise I can imagine that the NAND will be full some day and you don't even know what causes this.
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For the date issue, just use the date command in a terminal:
sudo date --set=20:32:00

It doesn't update immediately, but a restart or switching GUI afterwards certainly works.