Pandora Hotfix 4 Final released (2010-08-31)

After installing HF4 I spot this unnecessary behaviour: After lid close and open, LCD goes to maximum brightness. If I change brightness and do restart or shutdown and boot up, brightnes is restored OK.
After installing HF4 I spot this unnecessary behaviour: After lid close and open, LCD goes to maximum brightness. If I change brightness and do restart or shutdown and boot up, brightnes is restored OK.

Weird. I know Ivanovic had similar issues, but it works fine on my unit... and notaz also checked it and it was working fine.

Hmm... needs more investigation.
Confirmed - I'm an idiot :-) I mess script for brightness to allow me set value 1 instead 3 as lower one. I hope for less shining backlight at night. When I check script for openning lid I found that if brightness is bellow 3 then it is not restored, but set to possible maximum value.

As my messing doesn't have any positive result, I throw my changes away and I now works good. :-)
Hi ED,

Any ideas on how to disable the screen blanking 'feature' that, I suspect, somehow got introduced with HF4? It's making watching video on the Pandora rather annoying.

Mentioned in this thread in the support section.

It's not a huge problem but some official instructions on how to disable the blanking would be appreciated.
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I notice that when I start the pandora I get a little X pointer and then a little animation of a mouse, as the OS boots into X.

Was that new? Or did I just miss it before? :)
Just received the Pandora and I was wondering:

- Where can I see what firmware version the thing is running?

- Is the latest hotfix included in the firmware that ships with the Pandora?
Just received the Pandora and I was wondering:

- Where can I see what firmware version the thing is running?

- Is the latest hotfix included in the firmware that ships with the Pandora?
This probably isn't the best place to ask this, since you're on the second page, and this forum doesn't sort posts by last post time but instead keeps them in the order they're posted in. Using the support forum would probably get you a better response, or at least a more visible question.

However, I'll have a go at answering: as far as I know, you can't see what version of the hotfix you've got - but even if you've already got hf4 installed, installing it again won't hurt. I don't know what the intention is, but a number of pandoras have needed hf4 to be installed by the user, so I'd recommend you do that (or hf5 beta if you're feeling adventurous!)
Just received the Pandora and I was wondering:

- Where can I see what firmware version the thing is running?

- Is the latest hotfix included in the firmware that ships with the Pandora?
This probably isn't the best place to ask this, since you're on the second page, and this forum doesn't sort posts by last post time but instead keeps them in the order they're posted in. Using the support forum would probably get you a better response, or at least a more visible question.

However, I'll have a go at answering: as far as I know, you can't see what version of the hotfix you've got - but even if you've already got hf4 installed, installing it again won't hurt. I don't know what the intention is, but a number of pandoras have needed hf4 to be installed by the user, so I'd recommend you do that (or hf5 beta if you're feeling adventurous!)
Thanks a lot! I'll just post my noob questions in the support section ;)
Hi, this is mi first post. Finally i got my Pandora, and i love it!!!

Thanks guys for your project :)

Like Lambertus, i don't know if my pandora comes with any previous hotfix, if i install the hotfix 4 the previous versions are not needed ?
Hi, this is mi first post. Finally i got my Pandora, and i love it!!!

Thanks guys for your project :)

Like Lambertus, i don't know if my pandora comes with any previous hotfix, if i install the hotfix 4 the previous versions are not needed ?
correct. Welcome aboard!