Release HotFix 4 Beta 4 released


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Well, this should hopefully be the last betaversion before we release the final.

Compared to B3, it fixes the following things:

* Fixed stuttering in some apps (introduced with B3)
* Fixed Pandora Button for killing apps in XFCE4
* Fixed resetting brightness on start of XFCE4

I did not have any problems with the Date / Time-Settings script... therefore I could not fix anything :/

Please download and test here:

HotFix 4 Beta 4

Please report any remaining bugs. If it seems to be fine, this will be the final version :)

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Time and date gives me a blank screen after finishing the dialogue until another key is presed (beta3). Will try again with beta4 later.
Time and date gives me a blank screen after finishing the dialogue until another key is presed (beta3). Will try again with beta4 later.

OK, I wasn't alone! :)

I will test this on my Beta 3 pandora in a few hours when I am home.

We can just do a direct update (Delete the old PND, run the new one) I guess?

OK, I wasn't alone! :)

I will test this on my Beta 3 pandora in a few hours when I am home.

We can just do a direct update (Delete the old PND, run the new one) I guess?


Yes, you can just update :)

Though nothing has changed in the Date / Time-Settings... never got a black screen :/

Could you post the pndrun-output if possible?
Hi EvilDude,

Posting from my handypandy. No black screen on time setting, :)

Pandora button long press gives task killer. :)

Wifi and general use seems fine. :)

I have no more issues, I only use chromium so no comments on the NAND browser. Can test it if there is a real need, but Chromium does everything I need.

Thanks for fixing the issues, I dunno why we got a black screen before, but we don´t now!

Tusen Takk

Will give it a go.

A quick question to ED or anyone else in the know : Am I correct to think that to install a hotfix, you do not have to uninstall a previous hotfix or reflash back to a 'virgin' state? You simply ensure that there is only the desired hotfix.pnd on the SD card and run that.
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Will give it a go.

A quick question to ED or anyone else in the know : Am I correct to think that to install a hotfix, you do not have to uninstall a previous hotfix or reflash back to a 'virgin' state? You simply ensure that there is only the desired hotfix.pnd on the SD card and run that.

You nailed it
Will give it a go.

A quick question to ED or anyone else in the know : Am I correct to think that to install a hotfix, you do not have to uninstall a previous hotfix or reflash back to a 'virgin' state? You simply ensure that there is only the desired hotfix.pnd on the SD card and run that.

Yes, it should work with any OS version installed before.

I´ve install Beta 3 at saturday and Beta 4 today. The beta 4 installer say, i have installed a newer kernel. I'm very confused....
I didn't notice any warning that the system would reboot - just the 'update has finished'. Then again, i wasn't looking closely.

I think the 'blank screen' after date_time is xfce thinking that the unit has been idle for a while - moving the mouse wakes it up.
I didn't notice any warning that the system would reboot - just the 'update has finished'. Then again, i wasn't looking closely.

I think the 'blank screen' after date_time is xfce thinking that the unit has been idle for a while - moving the mouse wakes it up.

Does this mean that in HF4 the screen goes blank when the system is idle. That would be great :D
Does this mean that in HF4 the screen goes blank when the system is idle. That would be great :D
XFCE has a setting for this, under settings/xfce power manager - it did default to off, but there were some updates here. I don't know if a full install has this by default now.
I had the black screen after date and time and the time in the panel changed to another time as the date in the system. Terminal 'date' gives the correct date and time.

I don't know if it helps but the wrong time gets transmitted with audioscrobbler. (strange since it was the other way around in previous versions of the OS, there the terminal date time was wrong and transmitted with audioscrobbler)
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