Homebrew competition!!

@B-ZaR: Commando looks really good! Say how did you do those tiles you can jump through from the bottom but walk on? I wanted those in my game but the collision dection for that gives me headaches...

@ssqm: I like the death effects, especially the dripping blood and the ashes from the fire that get blown to the left!

@foxblock: Cool looking concept, I'm looking forward to what the game will play like! The wrapping around from top to bottom on the elevator-thingy is nice, how did you render some part showing up on the bottom as it leaves the top? Also what would happen if you'd push a block so it would get wedged in between the elevator and the ceiling of the tunnel, would it just stop?

@Ziz: Those are really nice 3D effects, especially on the platforms. I guess I need to look into GLES... Also I like how the snowman gets bigger!
@B-ZaR: Commando looks really good! Say how did you do those tiles you can jump through from the bottom but walk on? I wanted those in my game but the collision dection for that gives me headaches...
Well I can tell you how I did it, it actually is quite simple: Just check whether the colliding unit is moving up or down. If it is moving upwards don't let it collide with the platform, if it is moving downwards treat the platform like a normal rectangular tile and let the unit collide with it.

This should give you the base of the effect, you can tweak it a little bit more to eliminate quirks, like checking whether the unit actually was higher than the platform at one point and not let it collide otherwise.

(here is how we do it in Wandor: http://code.google.com/p/w-engine/source/browse/trunk/Physics.cpp#424 )

@foxblock: Cool looking concept, I'm looking forward to what the game will play like! The wrapping around from top to bottom on the elevator-thingy is nice, how did you render some part showing up on the bottom as it leaves the top? Also what would happen if you'd push a block so it would get wedged in between the elevator and the ceiling of the tunnel, would it just stop?
I just check the unit's position just before rendering it and if it is leaving the screen I render it a second time at the other side of the screen. This obviously get a bit more complicated as I also have to check for collisions on both ends.

In that particular level the elevator would not get jammed, it would merely destroy the crate or push it to the side a little.

This is because I don't check for map collisions on the elevator as I don't want it to stop, but I could check for it and then the elevator would indeed stop.

foxblock out
@B-ZaR: Commando looks really good! Say how did you do those tiles you can jump through from the bottom but walk on? I wanted those in my game but the collision dection for that gives me headaches...
Well I can tell you how I did it, it actually is quite simple: Just check whether the colliding unit is moving up or down. If it is moving upwards don't let it collide with the platform, if it is moving downwards treat the platform like a normal rectangular tile and let the unit collide with it.

This should give you the base of the effect, you can tweak it a little bit more to eliminate quirks, like checking whether the unit actually was higher than the platform at one point and not let it collide otherwise.

(here is how we do it in Wandor: http://code.google.com/p/w-engine/source/browse/trunk/Physics.cpp#424 )

@foxblock: Cool looking concept, I'm looking forward to what the game will play like! The wrapping around from top to bottom on the elevator-thingy is nice, how did you render some part showing up on the bottom as it leaves the top? Also what would happen if you'd push a block so it would get wedged in between the elevator and the ceiling of the tunnel, would it just stop?
I just check the unit's position just before rendering it and if it is leaving the screen I render it a second time at the other side of the screen. This obviously get a bit more complicated as I also have to check for collisions on both ends.

In that particular level the elevator would not get jammed, it would merely destroy the crate or push it to the side a little.

This is because I don't check for map collisions on the elevator as I don't want it to stop, but I could check for it and then the elevator would indeed stop.

foxblock out

Cool, I'll have to try that, thanks for the answers! Also, simply rendering twice is genius, why didn't I think of that. (:

Also thanks for the link, I'll check it out!
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@Ziz: Those are really nice 3D effects, especially on the platforms. I guess I need to look into GLES... Also I like how the snowman gets bigger!
I don't use GLES. It is a software renderer. ;-)

greetings, Ziz
Wow this comp was a really good idea all of these look sick

B-Raz yours looks awesome you should add a new video

Swann yours look amazing too (you might want to update the loincloth lol)

Ziz, Richiz, and really everyone who's posted games look awesome
@Ziz: Those are really nice 3D effects, especially on the platforms. I guess I need to look into GLES... Also I like how the snowman gets bigger!
I don't use GLES. It is a software renderer. ;-)

greetings, Ziz

Really? Well I can't wait to see the source after the compo (if you release ist ^^) to see how you did it! (:
@Ziz: Those are really nice 3D effects, especially on the platforms. I guess I need to look into GLES... Also I like how the snowman gets bigger!
I don't use GLES. It is a software renderer. ;-)

greetings, Ziz

Really? Well I can't wait to see the source after the compo (if you release ist ^^) to see how you did it! (:
It is really no magic. I do a lot like OpenGL (e.g. matrices for transformation and projection). Then I have Triangles and Quads with different distances from the Screen, sort them and draw from back to the front. If my game is released and I have a bit more time, I should think about a z-Buffer like OpenGL have it. Without a real z-Buffer I get problems with near but different sized objects. But in my game, I don't have problems like this, so I can ignore the design-failure. ^^

But I will release the code. But it could be, that I restructure it before. At the moment, there is just one goal: A nice game at the last day of march. nice code is minor. ;-)

greetings Ziz

Edit: I forgot: The chief difficulty was to use no floating point operations. Most systems I develop for don't have a FPU. So I had to use fixed point arithmetics. And to draw my triangles and quads very fast on my gp2x, I had to code a bit in few ARM-Assembler. I use it on the pandora, too, but it wouldn't be necessary. The CPU of the Pandora is much faster then the GP2X's one. And the calculations are the same! I just have to fill more primitives.
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Sorry, no video after all. I actually did three videos, but none of them had sound. I tried and tried to get it to work, but for some reason my sound system tied itself into a knot :( . Oh well, you'll see it soon enough when the compo ends :)
Hello everyone. I was very enthusiastic about this competition and had been working on my own entry for it, but unfortunatelly I'm running out of time and the game is nowhere near playable state.

Nevertheless I'd like to show what I got so far:


I've got into problems with collision detection and AI, which resulted with being unable to properly implement player interaction with enemies (the player is supposed to pick them up and thow into other enemies). The competition deadline is nearly over and I'm still far from solving these issues.

There are of course other things missing, like object animations, or collectible items.

This all doesn't mean I'm giving up on this game, I will just withdraw from submitting it for the contest (unless I solve the mentioned issues before the deadline), but the developement will continue until it is finished.

So far I was able to run this game on the following platforms:

* OpenPandora

* Dingoo A320

* Caanoo

* Dreamcast

* Linux PC

...and it will be released for these platforms when (or if) finished.

I'd also like to thank mcobit and PokeParadox for betatesting this game on the Pandora.
It's very silly, that it will not be finished 'til the deadline.

But I look very forward to see your game later! I really like your "like-Gameboy-Classic"-Style and I think your game should run on the gp2x, too. It would be very nice, if you would port it for the gp2x and the WIZ.

greetings Ziz
Wars: Commando beta PND

Just uploaded Wars: Commando PND to file archive. I don't have a pandora, so I thought this would be the best way to find any final things to fix before the deadline. This is not my final submission, stuff may still be added. Consider this a beta. Source code is available under GPLv2, assets under CC-BY-SA at http://bzar.iki.fi/code/random/browser/cpp/wars-commando.

Please report any findings as PM, thanks!
Bugs so far:

- Ok, it seems there's some problems with the controls, namely starting the game :D . Looking into it. Fix uploaded

- Also the game requires you to tap the screen once to give it focus before accepting input, will fix soon. Fixed for final release

- The mouse cursor is visible Fixed for final release

I also host the PND myself, but please prefer the file archive.
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I, unfortunately, won't be able to make the April 1 deadline for my game (at least not as anything remotely related to a finished product), but in lieu of an actual entry, I'd like to point everybody over to my port of the platformer, XEvil.
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