Well I didn't get close to finishing my game in time for the competition, but at least I got started with C++ and for my first project I think it doesn't look too shabby.
cool, good stuff Emnasut.. keep hacking on it for the next round, and let us know how it's going!
I made a webpage for my game, with some hints for playing it:
Rescue - web page
I've been enjoying to play all of the games, I'll give my one line reviews here:
Greyout: I really like the idea, the style, and the feel. A clever puzzles / action combo makes this a favourite for me. Foxblock's world upsets my mind in a fun way!
Raedr: Nice, cute and fun game from MrZ, my son (3) was very enthusiastic when he heard it has a dragon! and my wife and I like it too.
Rescue: This is my one. More bloody than Pulp Fiction! More gratuitous nudity than Eyes Wide Shut! Better physics than Pong! Beware the Wumpus and Grue!
Robo Hell: I like the style, and it seems to be a very challenging one! I hope RichiZ will fix pygame asap

so we can all enjoy it on the go.
Snowman: Lol it's scary trying to budget that snow! Missiles shot from your own snowy body. A 'cool' challenge from ZiZ, and awesome work on the engine.
Unready: A race against time, QuantenMagier runs through fields of lava, seemingly without end! This can be a big hit like Tetris!
Unready 3d, bring in on mama.
Wars-Commando: I, my wife, and son have been playing keenly for days! A rich retro-style game. I envy B-ZaR that he released early, no all-night rush to finish!
Thanks everyone, and especially RichiZ, for giving us some really beaut new games. I for sure am enjoying and will continue to enjoy each of them.