Hobbies and interests: share your ideas for making the best of our time...


Chaotic Neutral
Jan 21, 2016
While many of us are indoors, I'm trying to think of the positive ways to make changes in our lives. Has anyone started a new hobby?

A friend of mine started modelling with clay. What I didn't realise was that you can model and bake parts of a model, and mold them together again using new clay and re-bake. I haven't seen the results of their efforts yet, but am very interested.

I also lent them my airbrush (which was something I've always intended on using more - something like this one: https://www.iwata-airbrush.com/iwata-eclipse-hp-cs.html). Airbrush painting was something that I've wanted to do for quite a long time... so I really hope they are making (or able to make) good use of it!

Also, one of the YouTubers I occasionally watch started an art channel, and I found this video particularly inspiring - looks like she's just pouring paint, then burning it, but with awesome reasults:

I'm also tempted to dig out my guitar and start playing again (after a horrific lapse of around 20 years).

Anyone else making more time for hobbies? Any new hobbies / crafts you can recommend? Anything you have seen that looks cool that you'd like to try?

Part of me is hopeful that there will be an explosion of home crafts and local produce...
I've been proofreading books for Project Gutenberg, you can sign up if you wish at www.pgdp.net.


I think I may have drunk a bit too much coffee on the 22nd. :)
Im currently try to watch a lot of Disney Movies, last week the Lion King in booth Versions (Drawn and whit Computer Animated Animals) , Aladdin in booth Versions (Drawn and whit Real Live Actors) and now I’m watch the whole Star Wars Saga 1 - 8 and 9 as far as it’s on Disney +
I wants to teach me also to play Harmonica, as i have this chromatic harmonica from my Grandpa.. , but seems like this is something I want but ditnt made it yet..

As whe are allowed to leave our home in Germany to make Sports, I was on a 40 km Bycicle Ride today, was pretty cool, and whit the 2 meter distance to other Peaple dit barely work for out, ^^ , today I tried to use less Batterie Power and more Muscle Power as it’s also a Trainings Ride , ^^
I think today will be a bit reading and I want to try Saints Row 4 on the Switch..

Whit best regards, Matthias
Theming a bootstrap employing web front-end. There's a detail that annoys me a lot currently. Maybe someone css-savvy knows what to do?
I've put some kallithea on my webspace (https://git.djogaro.de) and immediately needed to get rid of that oversaturated mint on white theme, that was going on - that's just not me. And I've already "corrected" quite some parts. Though, when you click on "Repositories" to make a search-field popover, it appears with a white bg for a splitsecond to only then turn black as specified by moi. (It's the same in Pale Moon and in Firefox.) It only happens for the first time after pageload, but I cannot let it be.

From inspecting that element on-site I get this:
/* That's my stuff - defined in the .less file, that gets imported last */
.select2-search input {
    background: #000000 none repeat scroll 0 0;
    border-color: #000000;
    color: #fdebd2;
/* That's from select2-bootstrap.css in node_module/select2-bootstrap-css/ */
.select2-search input {
    [S]background-color: white;
    border-color: #cccccc;[/S]
    border-radius: 4px;
    box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075) inset;
    [S]color: #555555;[/S]
    font-family: "Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;
/* That's from select2.css in node_module/select2/ */
.select2-search input {
    [S]background: url("select2.png") no-repeat scroll 100% -22px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) linear-gradient(to bottom, #fff 85%, #eee 99%) repeat scroll 0 0;
    border: 1px solid #aaa;
    border-radius: 0;
    box-shadow: none;
    font-family: sans-serif;[/S]
    font-size: 1em;
    height: auto !important;
    margin: 0;
    min-height: 26px;
    outline: 0 none;
    padding: 4px 20px 4px 5px;
    width: 100%;
Currently, I don't have a clue how to tackle this. :/

EDIT: I wanted to strike-through the overruled definitions, but as you can see, doesn't work in a code-block.
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I am part of a group creating a whole fictional universe so boredom is not something I experience, there is so much to do ^^
I also write some novels in this universe. And would like to write more (but here is a baby at home, takes a lot of attention).
It is mostly in French currently but if you are interested it is there : https://khaganat.net (it all started from a MMORPG project but there is so much more than the game...)
someone css-savvy
Sorry, no. (took a look at it though. The div is created out of nothing before its populated with elements. The inherited background color is white. You could add it in that new outermost div element, or set the default background to your color, and then override it for the normal text)
Sorry, no. (took a look at it though. The div is created out of nothing before its populated with elements. The inherited background color is white. You could add it in that new outermost div element, or set the default background to your color, and then override it for the normal text)
Thanks. I thought background related attributes don't get implicitly inherited?
Once I blocked ajax, I could study that search field and observe, that during the result fetch the element had an additional class. Thus I had to overwrite an additional rule. This and other stuff and I remember again, that and why I never want anything to do with website tinkering. ;)
I've been doing a lot more industrial automation development using OpenCV while working from home.

I've also started working with Godot to make a 3D game.

I just ordered the parts I need to build one of these:

It will definitely be the most challenging soldering project I've ever taken on. I've never soldered surface mount components before.

I built a triangular shelf last week on castors that can slide under our stairs.
That sounds pretty cool... do you have any pics to share?
be careful what you ask for....


thats the bass under construction. had to make a jig to rout out a pocket for the truss rod. using a rotary tool seen in last pick .


single string canjo with dulcimer fretting and a CBG 3 string first one i made, its a little rough. It is tuned to DAD, 151 and sounds quite nice acoustic.
Nice work, impressive! I always thought getting the position of the frets just right looks like a bit of a pain... presume there's a lot of maths behind it.
Nice work, impressive! I always thought getting the position of the frets just right looks like a bit of a pain... presume there's a lot of maths behind it.
yes but its not needed to calculate them your self. there are online calculators for it. just type in the scale length you want and how many frets... easy.
there is math ie
" we conventionally calculate fret positions for equal temperament by successively dividing the scale length minus the offset to the previous fret by 17.817. This series of calculations puts the 12th fret (octave) at exactly half the scale length, and we know from the physics of vibrating strings that halving the vibrating string length of a theoretically perfect string doubles the frequency. "
tedious to do when there are online calculators as well as spreadsheet templates to do it. The trick is to not use the between fret distances but to measure each from the nut, otherwise errors in fret to fret accumulate and the thing will never sound in tune.