has your xbox 360 red ringed?

Wrath Of Khan

Soul soother...
Dec 29, 2009
Simply put my original 360 red ringed twice and the second or was it 3rd time microsoft said it was out of warranty.Its dead now.

In the meanwhile i bought another xbox elite.it has red ringed twice now.And my 3rd xbox its due a redring by now i think.Seems to happen after about 18 months by my reckoning.So im somewhere between 4 or 5 redrings by now truthfully.

how many redrings have you had Tm. Also im currently playing battlefield bad company 2.I still love my xbox(s) even if they have a shite failure rate.
Had a friend's 360 do this. It was a pretty easy fix; it just needed thermal paste (for some reason Microsoft decided to use crazy glue). It was fixed (and softmodded :P ) in about an hour or two.

It's usually overheating that causes it, or at least that's what caused my friend's to RR. Another problem could be weak solder joints. I've heard that they sometimes the heat would get so bad a new circuit was burned into some chip or another and shorted the device.

The first two can be fixed, that last one can't.
I heard it said, though I've had no reason to verify it, that they've apparently removed the lights from the newer models, presumably in some sort of misguided effort to stop the term from being used. :P
just out of curiosity....why are people buying xbox's? the definition of insanity is when you think doing the same thing over and over will give you different results.
just out of curiosity....why are people buying xbox's? the definition of insanity is when you think doing the same thing over and over will give you different results.
We also wait the 2 months over and over again ;P
We also wait the 2 months over and over again ;P


The xbox has some pretty decent games. The hardware build quality just sucks. Such poor design.... poor, poor design... I heard that the new ones only have like four gigs of hard disk space, is that right? The original Xbox had double that!

I really hope I'm mistaken on that.
My friend's 360 had a RROD but it was covered by warranty.

The DVD reader was also malfunctioning, it refused to open and scratched a few discs, so he was pretty happy to get a new console.

My thirst for Cave danmaku games is pushing me to get a 360.

So sooner or later, I'll get one.

That will be one more console on my already huge list…

(well, huge to my eyes, because I know a bunch of people that have a lot more consoles than I own)
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none, i have no idea how though, it's certainly old enough, and it's been ripped apart/thrown around enough to dislodge whatever breaks the most

housemates one has gone 6 times, each time it's been fixed by wrapping it in a blanket and giving it a nice warm cuddle...with a fire extiguisher nearby
Ive fixed a few , some cant be fixed (at least I couldnt,) my record is around 75%

If you red ring is just general error, if you hold the sync button and press the eject button the lights flash in sequence to represent 4 numbers which is the error code,e.g you hold sync press the eject button and 1 light flashes thats a 1 , then you press eject again (still holding sync) and 4 lights flash thats a 0..

with the error code you can figure out whats wrong, its usually a heat problem error 0102.

can be fixed with towel but will most certainly happen again,

best way is to open it up remove the xclamps, replace with standard washers/bolts and reapply thermal paste and over heat again, this should keep it going longer. not the easiest thing to do though,

obviously warranty is better.
I´ve had 2 that got red rings multiple times, so I went and bought a PS3, been happy ever since.


Still my SMS is working fine, from 1987.

lol, so is mine, and that thing is older than me. Consoles are getting worse and worse IMO.
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No Red here, but the DVD drive is dying slowly, sometimes games stop while loading, sometimes it just won't read anything I put it it, and now and again a message appears saying 'to play this game put it in an xbox360'.

Oh well, I guess they are cheap to buy now.

Still my SMS is working fine, from 1987.
I have had 3 xbox 360's, 2 of which have red ringed, once the one I have now red rings I'm going to get one of the new black designs, susposed to be alot more power efficient quieter, and cooler. Heat was causing the red rings from what I gathered.

*should be* a thing of the past, but that's no excuse for the somewhere near 50% failure rate, my original nintendo consoles are still working some 20 years later my xbox didn't make it 2 years before it failed.
It's not insanity, it's quantum physics.
Some people agreed that to do quantum physics you must be insane, so…

Most of my old consoles are still working, even if they look dirty and scratched.

Only the Atari 2600, with its awful video signal, and the NES, with its aged cartridges connector, need some work to be back at 100%.

It seems that a vast majority of the manufacturers tend to use the cheapest parts possible.

You know, those that will stay alive just the time covered by warranty…
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Lost one to the RROD, And only one. I wasn't a fan boy, So I stuck to pc gaming ever since.
I've had one RRoD but that was caused by someone in sitting it too near a projector, the one I have now is fine, although I worry now that I may actually have a shitty taste in games.
Relax. As long as you don't play Call of Duty Money Doody, you're fine.
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