Hardware Change Requests Are Driving Me Batty


Still Fresh
Jan 3, 2010
Sigh. I have been reading this forum for a while and I'm just boggled by the requests that come through here on a regular basis.

I must rant now.

Please, please can people stop asking OP to make changes to the next batch of Pandora's? The design is pretty set in stone - over time there will be changes just like the PSP in the hardware (to reduce costs, complexity, etc) but with the PSP those changes did not change the performance or feature set of the PSP. (I'm ignoring the orphan PSP-Go here.)

I am SICK of posts asking for this and that change for their Pandora on the HARDWARE side. Things that seem to get requested over and over (in no particular order):

  • Oh can we instead used such-and-such ARM chip instead. I especially like it when they request a chip that has only been announced and is not even available.
  • Lets put a Cell-phone in it.
  • I want to put GPS in it.
  • I want a tilt sensor
  • Etc, etc, etc.

For those feeling sick of this as well, please feel free to add more items to include in the bullet-point list above.

The HARDWARE spec is set. It is not going to change. I don't want it to change. You need a stable hardware reference so folks can develop against it.

Now on the other hand, asking for changes to the SOFTWARE feature set is perfectly game as this is built on open-source software. There is such a wild amount of Open Source software out that bringing to the attention of folks some cool app or GUI can be beneficial. Folks may not even know it exists so you might generate interest.

BUT, I must clearly temper this with the warning that you may not find anyone else interested in porting said app to the Pandora. So either expect to roll up your sleeves and help OR don't complain.

I'm most excited to see what cool software can be developed for the Pandora once released. The hardware platform looks very robust and should offer a lot of opportunities for tinkering on the software front.

There... end of rant.
Isn't all the requests in recent history from those who aren't uninformed newbies for the next version of the pandora not the next batch?

Also wasn't this thing built because what was available didn't have "x feature"? This is where it came from, why do you expect it to stop? I mean yea.. it'd be nice if these kinda threads started after it was released, but after this much time your mind tends to travel outside the box a little.

I'd probably just take a break from these forums for a while if the hypothetical talk is getting to ya. That or just don't click on the threads that start with "what if"

just an idea
jb0yx said:
Isn't all the requests in recent history from those who aren't uninformed newbies for the next version of the pandora not the next batch?

Also wasn't this thing built because what was available didn't have "x feature"? This is where it came from, why do you expect it to stop? I mean yea.. it'd be nice if these kinda threads started after it was released, but after this much time your mind tends to travel outside the box a little.

I'd probably just take a break from these forums for a while if the hypothetical talk is getting to ya. That or just don't click on the threads that start with "what if"

just an idea

NO just stop it


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zounder1 said:
Sigh. I have been reading this forum for a while and I'm just boggled by the requests that come through here on a regular basis.

I must rant now.

Please, please can people stop asking OP to make changes to the next batch of Pandora's? The design is pretty set in stone - over time there will be changes just like the PSP in the hardware (to reduce costs, complexity, etc) but with the PSP those changes did not change the performance or feature set of the PSP. (I'm ignoring the orphan PSP-Go here.)

I am SICK of posts asking for this and that change for their Pandora on the HARDWARE side. Things that seem to get requested over and over (in no particular order):

  • Oh can we instead used such-and-such ARM chip instead. I especially like it when they request a chip that has only been announced and is not even available.
  • Lets put a Cell-phone in it.
  • I want to put GPS in it.
  • I want a tilt sensor
  • Etc, etc, etc.

For those feeling sick of this as well, please feel free to add more items to include in the bullet-point list above.

The HARDWARE spec is set. It is not going to change. I don't want it to change. You need a stable hardware reference so folks can develop against it.

Now on the other hand, asking for changes to the SOFTWARE feature set is perfectly game as this is built on open-source software. There is such a wild amount of Open Source software out that bringing to the attention of folks some cool app or GUI can be beneficial. Folks may not even know it exists so you might generate interest.

BUT, I must clearly temper this with the warning that you may not find anyone else interested in porting said app to the Pandora. So either expect to roll up your sleeves and help OR don't complain.

I'm most excited to see what cool software can be developed for the Pandora once released. The hardware platform looks very robust and should offer a lot of opportunities for tinkering on the software front.

There... end of rant.

ok then..
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Well, jb0yx has one good point, Not requesting features before you actually tried out the device would be nice, even if you really are tired of waiting and start thinking about adding obliviously necessary things.
And weren't there Pandora2 threads before? having one again would be nice instead of just throwing random comments about adding an extra feature here and there.
Zounder1 has a good point and i totaly agree ,this place is full of monkeys and children all
waiting on the new n64 handheld wooooooooooooooooooooo hoooooo .... i must admit there are some
very tech savy people on here as well so yyyyyyyyyeeeeeyyyyyyyy to them ,those linux loving
nerds from cheapo freeware land.

Im here however as i want a cool device that will double as a small netbook and play
games properly ,so blow me down and call me Paddy_boy2008 for i am here ,but err yes
i do hope OP do not suddenly make a super Pandora ,i think craig has plans ,yes plans
for a PCube and Pandora DSL
Hey ,i also beleve in aliens and dark government plans to kill us with street lights but
i also beleve craig is out to make money and that rolocoaster needs to keep going so a Cube
to a Pandora M2 ,i don't blame any plans he might have ,but it kind of fucks all my plans up
for making a few good games on the Pandora ,why bother when the goal posts keep changing ?
and after such a long wait and still no Pandora yet ,well it's getting boring now and so people
are simply staring at this forum 24/7 waiting for Ed to jump out at them with a 3D PandorA -

Please don't take anything i say too seriously as i am a bot created by Evil_Paddy2008
atomicthumbs said:
can you guys make the next batch have a sliding keyboard

Yeah, come on Craig! How hard could it be? You'd just need some new molds. I'm sure that the cases factory will be able to spit some out in just a couple of days.

Oh, and why does the Pandora need any mould anyway? Let's just drop the mould entirely for the second batch, I don't think customs would let it into my countries border.

OOH! And I want an accelerometer! Then we'll be able to play any i-app! After all, they both use their arms to do the work, right? Lifting data from the storage, flipping all the tiny little switches...

And we need a new processor. With the current processor we'll never be able to emulate the DS. I mean, it has 9 arms!
Ours is so dumb that it doesn't even know how many arms it has. OMAP3? That's not even a number! Come on! That's why we need to switch to a 98 arm processor, like Windows 98 runs on. Then we'll be able to run Windows too!
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Well I like the aluminum, but I don't think I want my Pandora to be a crab. It would suck having to change the case every year as it grew.
I was wondering if an iphone emulator can be made?

There's hundreds of thousands of Apps on iStore and half of them free.
How many of them might appeal to you, I'm unaware of.
I know I just started a "Flame On" but admit it ... you are intruiged!

If this has been suggested a million times, sorry.
I think the iPhone or 3G games could run decent.
The "3GS only" games would need (i think) direct recompiling to run decent which requires open source code that is closed.
What are the legal aspects of downloading a free game and emulating it on another device?

Love, Peace, Chicken Grease
Does anyone remember this?


Anyway, Pandora should have one of those in the next batch...


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Gerix said:
Does anyone remember this?


Anyway, Pandora should have one of those in the next batch...

Totally remmember it.
It had TV!!! GameBoy owners were stoked
Remmember its 3.58MHz processor?!?!?!
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