Investigating some second hand ones after all, money is money and if I get one I can still donate to the pre-orders and buy OP merch from ED
I don't want to discourage you, but I don't think it's likely that such a package (including signed wooden box, TV out, two big SD cards, spare parts etc) will go cheaper than a new unit from ED (with less extras). A ReBirth megapack is 385 EUR, and this eBay deal is approximately the same but plus a 64GB card and a signed wooden box, minus the signed broken PCB. I don't think the final eBay price will be below 300 EUR, given that it's very near-new and would be worth 450 EUR or so new.Bidding on a Rebirth (brand new in May!) from someone in Germany.
EDIT: No-one bid against me!! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/331229580091?_trksid=p2059216.m1431.l2648&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
The Classic is a capable machine. Yes, it is a little low on some things, but I love mine. I prefer to buy from ED for a variety of reasons, so I think it may be best if that is all you can afford for now. Regardless of which one you get, I hope you enjoy your Pandora.First bit of negative news, there is a bill looming that I can't avoid so CC Pandora might be the limit after all, obviously a million times better than no Pandora at all though so I am still very happy
I might order the CC this week now, one last bit of juggling finances to be sure before I commit.