#1 GameMaster
I have a PSP and have pre-ordered a Pandora because of it being open source, having dual nubs, having a better/actual OS, more memory(in every way ROM, RAM, and actual storage 2 SD'sobiwan22 said:thanks guys for all the comments and perspectives! I read all of them and some are very good
probably the main reason Im leaning over the psp side is because I can get it soon and now
unlike the Pandora which I will probrably get in December, leaving me to sell my ipod touch now and wait till dec. no thanks
however, Im still in deep thought about this issue
Plus if you buy a new PSP they have yet to release a new CFW to set it up because the pandora battery doesn't work with the 3000's and you can't even access the PSP Go battery, so if I were you I would stick with the Pandora if your wanting a homebrew device. B)
Those were just my thoughts, hope this helps you out.
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