Halo On Gpx2!!!

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Shaking Your Fist Productions posted on Sep 18 2005 at 06:13 PM said:
Alright I'm just gonna admit it. I got scammed. That guy, that said he'd make the worms armageddon game, hes a liar. He said he was from Team 17 and that he could make a port of it if I got him the money. Yeah, right. That didnt work out at all. I sent him a fucking check for $50, and then he just cut communications off with me after I told him so. No email, no IM, nothing. Yeah, I'm embarassed, but the Halo game is real. BTW its not gonna be a 3d port of halo, more of a fan game that I myself am making. I guarantee by the end of the day you guys will have your screens. And sorry about the Worms thing, I'm a real jackass for believing him... 10 weeks of fucking allowance down the drain to some idiot that I believed. After that though, I can see why you guys are all hesitant to believe me and by all means make no donations until youve got a demo.

Allowance!? How old are you exactly? And does you mommy know you're using her AOL right now? :P
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chris_r posted on Sep 18 2005 at 02:19 PM said:
Hey Craig, maybe you should think about including halo on the apps cd with the gp2x

Guys, the site is www.gphalo.tk Idk why you cant see it, cuz it works perfectly for me. And if the game is finished I will send a copy to Craig to see if he is interested in putting on the cd, seeing as it will be free. BTW I thought you had to buy the SDK seperate, didnt know it was free. Sry for the confusion.
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"Donations Needed: Please, donate to help me purchase a GP2X with the DEVELOPER KIT! Any donations, even small ones are welcome and very much appreciated. If you are interested, then email me at shakingyourfist@yahoo.com

Can't you just save up your allowance for a GP2X instead? LOL!

C'mon kid give this a rest already. Do you even know any programming languages? What are you using right now to "develop" this supposed game. I want exact answers, not just "C" but what version, what environment, OS etc.
Okay seriously the fact of the matter is you arnt going to get anything untill you can give a little proof of concept. You say you're making it on PC, once you provide a demo (and NO I don't mean screen shots I mean somthing playable to show the end product won't suck assuming it does see completion) of that THEN you might see some donations, otherwise the more you persist the more resistance you're going to see.

I was just thinking about it and I'm kinda supprised no one has ever tried to kit bash a doom wad into halo-lookalike.
Alpha2 posted on Sep 18 2005 at 08:59 PM said:
I was just thinking about it and I'm kinda supprised no one has ever tried to kit bash a doom wad into halo-lookalike.
Just port Marathon... ;)
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Might be a few years till that gets released... ;) You should be happy with Marathon/AlephOne for now, that can realistically run on the GP2X.
Well just make sure he doesn't post any sceens that look like this Halo 2d Scroller, now i could understand if he is with that team and they wanted to port it. Which i think would be cool as a played the demo of it several months ago.

Just wait 'til he says he infact is working with them.
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