idea: Halo Doom

Apr 5, 2003
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I love Halo and i know some or all of you do too. I just had a marvelous idea! :D since the doom source code is public how about making a halo game like doom for the gp32. change the characters to grunts and elits and we could make new stages or just use the same and change the text to make a new story! :o :o :o it would be sweet and very cool. and maybe we could get some of the halo music on the game dunununum dunununum dunananana dunununum :lol: :lol: :lol:
That would be a mod, there has been mod out on pc for doom for ages, i suppose when zdoom come out they will all work for gp32.

So try to make a zdoom port of halo, it would be fun.
I've seen some pretty interesting things done with doom mods, such as the Ghost busters one, in which they allow you to drive the car. But grenades are a very important part of Halo, other then that though, it seems very plausible.
nades are a big part of halo but i could play it w/ out it. just to play a portable halo would make my pants sticky. just think of it makes u wanna spooge

btw, search zDoom on google, it'll give you an idea of what it is, but someone (Rico i think) said it would be bloody difficult to port zDoom
Yes, I said that it would be far easier to add zdoom mod handling into pmdoom, since zdoom has a lot of ASM and also is unported, whereas we have a nicely ported pmdoom right here :D
heh but adding the mod part would probably take as long as porting it :P
I think we all need to come to grips with the fact that the gp32 is not a dream machine. You can't really have a (even semi) decent halo game on it.
I would love to have beautiful women magically appear upon powering up, but I just don't think the gp32 is capable of such things.
Maybe so, but we do have a portable Atari ST, GP Engine, SMS, Spectrum, C64, Dragon, Vectrex, Nintendo, MSX, SNES, with Beeb, Genesis and more to come

And if it's women you want look at WaWaWang's Sig

heh, you may not but on powering up gp32 i get a beaaautiful women as my windups background

but if we manage to make a zdoom mod of halo then it should work! we just need zdoom or a program similar, sure the graphics wouldn't be exact, to get the music for the levels it would need an inbuilt player i.e mp3 player or something else...its doable

[EDIT]: ummmmm also it might be kinda illegal, we'd have to use slighty modded sprites and graphics, but i think we would probably have to design them
Maybe we could mod pmdoom, because duke nukem 3d is essentialy a mod of doom. I'm sure it would be possible. Maybe we could add sound to pmdoom first?
it makes me feel good that you like my idea and that its doable on gp32. but i think itll be awhile before we can get a halo doom. handos right first lets wait for a doom thats almost perfect and for zdoom then maybe someone could work on halo doom id pay for someone to make this dream a reality